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The meetings in the morning are a really killer though - offshore team + 2 daily stand-ups + scrum of scrums, it's got me drained and looking for another gig.

I empathize. A prior job had me hopping from call to call from 7 to 1 during the pandemic, then I'd spend a couple of hours helping my team triage, putting out project fires, babysitting slack, barely finding time to do any actual engineering because I was an EM that was also expected to IC tickets (something I asked about in the interview and had such a different experience than the one I was informed of that it feels now like a complete lie). I was ending days with throbbing headaches. Thankfully that chapter is closed.

That said, I don't know that I necessarily agree with EVERYTHING of this creed, but it's got me wondering if its beyond time I wrote one of my own. For that I tip a hat to the author.

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