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At this point I'd be happy with everyone admitting how little work gets done on Friday's and at least start trimming that day.

I wish Friday was a day of no-work... People seem to batch up all their requests from the whole week that they didn't report and drop them in your lap like a turd in the punch-bowl on Friday mornings. "Yeah, so we'll be getting a follow-up on Monday? Thanks, have a good weekend."

Where I am, Friday is a no meetings day. I.e. the day on which productive work can actually be done.

That's what I'd love to aim for, if I didn't have to be so responsive to enterprise customers...

On the rare occasions that there isn't a teacup-hurricane blowing, doing work on a Friday is possible. Still pretty rare, just because usually all gumption has been consumed by the time I stagger into Fridays.

yes. productive work done AND deployed to production.

Won't that just move the little work done day to Thursday? Maybe a low work day is necessary.

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