I actually did try emailing Tim Cook a few months ago, but I got bounce backs. I tried tim@apple.com and timcook@apple.com but the mailer daemons said the addresses weren't registered. It sounds like a crazy thing to do, but I remembered how Steve Jobs would reply to users' emails and read an article where Tim said he set aside time to read users' emails.[0]
- I’m never filing a bug report ever again on a bug filing system where I don’t get to see the progress in a transparent manner or that I might have to pay for a developer account to see that progress (assuming that’s an option)
- I’m not wasting my time emailing a top level company executive to inform of decades old most basic of bugs because if they don’t know of it then that’s even a bigger problem.
I’m somewhat surprised that acknowledging outside emails is a thing. I know unsolicited ideas/content/etc. is commonly rejected without review in other fields. Is this successful beyond identifying technical bugs?
It would probably work better for the two Steves than it would for many others.
According to the below random site, there 218 Jobs and 10,602 Wozniaks. It claims 410,801 Steves.
[0] - https://www.inc.com/business-insider/tim-cook-wakes-up-at-4-...