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> Lots of tiny functions kills readability.

I've heard this argument a lot, and I've found generally there's another problem that causes lack of readability than the small functions.

>Assuming your language supports this. C++ notably doesn't, especially in the cases where you'd produce such small functions - inside a single translation unit, in an anonymous namespace, where enforcing "caller before callee" order would require you to forward-declare everything up front. Which is work, and more lines of code.

Here though you're kind of used to reading code upwards though, so flip the depth first and make it depth last (or take the hit on the forward declarations. If you've got more than you can handle of these, your classes are probably too complex regardless (i.e. doing input, parsing, transformation, and output in the same method).

> quite often a properly descriptive name would be 100+ characters long

Generally if this is the case, then the containing class / module / block / ? is too big. Not a problem of small methods, problem is at a higher level.

> Explicit pre/post conditions in each method

I should have been more explicit here - what I meant is that you know that in the first method, that only the first 3 variables matter, and those variables / parameters are not modified / relevant to the rest of the method. Even without specifically coding pre/post-cons, you get a better feel for the intended isolation of each block. You fall into a pattern of writing code that is simple to reason about. Paired with pure methods / immutable variables, this tends to (IMO) generate easily scannable code. Code that looks like it does what it does, rather than code that requires reading every line to understand.

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