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Ask HN: Favorite Blogs by Individuals?
819 points by zffr on May 27, 2021 | hide | past | favorite | 271 comments
What are your favorite blogs run by individual people?

For example, some of the ones I like are:

- https://jvns.ca/

- https://www.joshwcomeau.com/

- https://ciechanow.ski/

Bret Devereaux's https://acoup.blog/ is a fantastic weekly read. I was drawn in by some of the comparisons between Lord of the Rings and historical battle practices [0][1]. Right now, he's in the middle of a series on how Paradox Interactive games portray history, what things are accurate/inaccurate, and how to best connect with students whose interest in history was sparked by Paradox games [2].

[0] https://acoup.blog/category/collections/siege-of-gondor/

[1] https://acoup.blog/category/collections/the-battle-of-helms-...

[2] https://acoup.blog/category/collections/teaching-paradox/

No joke, I loved his recent series about the history of textile production. Really excellent, like most of the stuff he has written.

The Paradox ones are OK but I haven't played the games so I kind of trailed off on those.

The series on iron-working is also superb: https://acoup.blog/2020/09/18/collections-iron-how-did-they-...

I clicked on this thread wondering how high in the comment section would his blog appear.

I'm not disappointed.

I have wondered why a historian's blog ends up being a regular favorite on Hacker News. I would imagine because it is nearly surgical in its descriptions of technical and mechanical processes. He goes into granular step-by-step detail about how things work, both at a low-level and at a high-level. Not unlike the work of a programmer!

I mean, when discussing archers, he actually brought physics, empirical studies, historical anecdotes, analyzed artwork, and compared to modern video games and TV.

The guy thinks and that's fun to watch.

Thank you for this heads up. I've just dived into a discussion/state of play/essay of medieval medicine by an expert in the field. I'm now in the middle of a personal paradigm shift, if that's not too ridiculous!

This is part of a longer paragraph with some more context but it is indicative of the treasures to be found:

"So, we have a doubly difficult time understanding what medieval medicine was, because the people who practiced didn’t write about it, and the people who wrote about medicine thought practice was beneath them."

Thanks for linking the paradox post, very interesting!

Unfortunately, this writer is seriously overusing parentheses and this disrupts the reading flow.

Disrupts the reading flow for you.

I find his parentheticals, italics, and bolding, make the structure of the thoughts behind his words more clear to me.

I appreciate this style of writing, at least for these sorts of topics.

People are different.

I love blog posts by Amos - https://fasterthanli.me They write long, informative, and fun articles. I usually spend hours to on each post.

Some recommendations if you want to get started:

1. What's in the box? - https://fasterthanli.me/articles/whats-in-the-box

2. Making our own ping - https://fasterthanli.me/series/making-our-own-ping

3. What's in a Rainbow table? - https://fasterthanli.me/articles/whats-in-a-rainbow-table

4. Working with strings in Rust - https://fasterthanli.me/articles/working-with-strings-in-rus...

5. I am a Java, C#, C or C++ developer, time to do some Rust - https://fasterthanli.me/articles/i-am-a-java-csharp-c-or-cpl... OR A half-hour to learn Rust - https://fasterthanli.me/articles/a-half-hour-to-learn-rust

Amos is by far one of the best technical writers that I've come across.

Not only are all their articles super in-depth, but they have a real talent for making the content both accessible and (most importantly) interesting.

Each post is a real treat!

amos is also super super nice on twitter, if you say hi to him there!

I highly recommend “A half-hour to learn Rust” if you’re interested in Rust but haven’t tried it yet. The article is very engaging with many small snippets that make sense to a person with a good programming background but no specific Rust knowledge.

It partially inspired me to start keeping a list of similar learning content over at https://github.com/b0o/awesome-by-example

Hey, I really like diff.blog. I just made an account.

A little feedback would be to add an "About page" so I can understand what is it without having to login.

And a pat on the back for not abusing Github access permissions. Felt really good to see "email (read-only)" access.

Keep the good work!

Thanks! There is an FAQ at https://diff.blog/FAQ/. It used to be linked form the left sidebar. But I made a major website redesign a couple of months back, which removed that sidebar. Will add it back soon :)

https://ma.tt I wonder how much that domain costs. 2-letter domains are always sold at a premium regardless of TLD.

Matt Mullenweg actually registered the domain for $500 per year for the first 2 years :)

.tt domains are quite expensive in general so I think he got a pretty good deal for ma.tt


Interesting conincidence, the .blog TLD used by diff.blog, is owned by Automattic, the company started by Matt Mullenweg :)

Ahh. Another coincidence. It's 18 years today since the first wordpres release was made by Matt Mullenweg and Mike Little.

Google's featured snippet answer suggests that the owner of that domain has a net worth of $400mm USD. It's indeed a nice flex.

I had a cheap five-byte domain once, but the registrar decided one day to up my renewal fee to five figures, so I don't any longer.

According to nic.tt it ranges from 600 to 2000$ for 3 years. If the domain was bought on aftermarket, it was probably way more expansive though

I maintain a feed aggregator focused only on ruby at http://rubyland.news -- doesn't have the interactive/personalization features of yours, you have gone quite a bit furhter!

But anyway, is there a way I can suggest blogs to diff.blog? (including my own). Or, if you'd like to just scrape the ones I've already "curated", feel free. http://rubyland.news/sources.opml

Hey, rubyland was one of the inspirations for diff.blog. Thanks for building it :)


> But anyway, is there a way I can suggest blogs to diff.blog? (including my own).

Yes. You can suggest new blogs at https://diff.blog/suggest. The recommended way to add your own blog is by going to profile settings since that allow you to change the URL as well as refresh the feed. But both are fine :)

> Or, if you'd like to just scrape the ones I've already "curated", feel free. http://rubyland.news/sources.opml

Yeah. I will give it a go one of these days. Hard part is I need to get the GitHub handle of each of these blogs since all the blog in diff.blog should have an associated GitHub account.

Aw, nice! Rubyland.news has been a low-feedback endeavor, I'm never sure anyone has even noticed it, so that's nice to hear!

You have definitely taken it a bunch of steps further with diff.blog! I thought about that but definitely didn't have the free-side-project time for it.

I love all efforts to keep blogging and RSS feeds alive, in the world of gated social media!

You may check https://hnblogs.substack.com/ if you want to add new blogs. These are usually 'less professional' blogs than the ones you just quoted though

Cool. I will go through them and ones that looks interesting :)

I've always had a hard time finding new interesting dev blogs but with diff.blog I can stop having that problem! Thanks for it, will be using it from now on!

I really like the look of diff.blog , signed up! Is there any way to subscribe to my feed as an RSS feed?

Don't have a feature for that at the moment but I have added it to my todolist.

Tried out diff.blog but it doesn't render anything but the header with javascript off.

Yeah. Sorry. I haven't done any work to make load it without JS :(

This is a great idea - signed up :)

Thank you :)

Astral Star Codex [0], Noahpinion [1] and Taipology [2]:

[0] https://astralcodexten.substack.com/ [1] http://noahpinion.substack.com/ [2] https://taipology.substack.com/

https://cheapskatesguide.org -- Cheapskate's Guide to Computers and Internet. Low-end and frugal computing in the 21st century. Long, opinionated posts on a pink(!) background.

http://ranprieur.com/ -- Ran Prieur. Frugality, societal collapse, "dropping out", and beyond. Has been constantly blogging for ages; it's really interesting to see how his views have changed in time.

http://joeyh.name/ -- Joey Hess, former long-time Debian developer, author of git-annex. Frugal living and computing in the wilderness (he used to do everything on a 9-inch Dell Mini 9).

https://datagubbe.se/ -- Carl Svensson. Great long-form essays on frugal computing and, uh, what has gone wrong after 1994 or so.

http://len.falken.ink/ -- I just really like the "layout", even if it feels a little pretentious to some. IIRC, his essay "Writing for the Internet across a Human Lifetime" also had some feedback on HN.

http://viznut.fi/en/ -- Viznut. Demoscene, "low-end technical extremism", permacomputing. Updates are rare, but the older pieces are well worth a read.

Add gopher://magical.fish and gopher://i-logout.cz:70/1/bongusta

Can´t be more frugal than that. Add irc on top, and maybe some usenet client.

I haven't really taken the time to explore the gopherspace, nor install a client. Did this now; thanks for the links!

+1 for both Cheapskates Guide and Ran Prieur, both very influential to me in different ways!

https://waitbutwhy.com/ - so good

https://dcgross.com/ - good design, smart guy

http://www.paulgraham.com/ - classic

https://mtlynch.io - love the openness

https://www.gwern.net/ - love the design. very well organized

https://coderscat.com/ - some fun projects

https://shauninman.com/ - simple but good

And shameless plug of my own: https://www.hugomontenegro.com/

> https://coderscat.com/ - some fun projects

I wonder if they wished they’d hyphenated that domain

After having opened the link and checking the <title> tag I wonder the same

Please add a one line description of the blog's URL/name and hopefully another line why you like it so much.

Agreed. A naked list of links isn't much use. There already seem to be hundreds of them here and no way to evaluate most on a glance without clicking every single one.

+1 for https://eli.thegreenplace.net/ - very good!

Lately, I've been reading through the "100 Rabbits" folks stuff:



It's fascinating to see how dependent modern tech is on a constant, or at least semi-regular, internet connection for tokens, etc., and how that "model" fails completely on the open ocean.

I'm probably echoing a lot of people here but:

- Dan Luu [1]

and for design and insights in that discipline:

- Arun Venkatesan [2]

I first saw Dan Luu's list of programming books (https://danluu.com/programming-books/) when researching CLRS during my sophomore year of high school. This list and his insights on pure CS are really enjoyable to read and pique my interest. Also, his post on latency [4] secured the idea that minuscule UX improvements is as important as UI and that we should optimize for both. jvns introduced me to the Recurse Center and dluu confirmed that I could, in fact, participate and do something cool. (I also took his Hugo template for my own blog which has served me well though this week I'll be designing my own with cues from the latter.)

Arun is a physical/digital design nerd and someone I read religiously. From photography to the design minutiae of the Apple Card [5] /Mac Pro [6] /iPod HiFi [7] his in-depth posts really allowed me to appreciate even the smallest of design choices and how they play into the larger, big picture, design system as a whole.

[1] https://danluu.com/

[2] https://www.arun.is/

[3] https://danluu.com/programming-books/

[4] https://danluu.com/input-lag/

[5] https://www.arun.is/blog/apple-card/

[6] https://www.arun.is/blog/mac-pro/

[7] https://www.arun.is/blog/smart-speaker/

Bruce Dawson's https://randomascii.wordpress.com/ is excellent resource for obscure and complex details of native code and modern platforms.

+1! Do you have any other recommendations from Windows land who still stay active and relevant?

Sorry, nothing else in this genre comes to mind. There is always Agner Fog's optimization resources which are mind blowingly awesome if you worry about the performance of your C or C++ code like I do - his site is in https://www.agner.org/ and the optimization manuals are in https://www.agner.org/optimize/#manuals (I suggest starting from optimizing_cpp.pdf)

Everyone would already know: The Old New Thing

[1] Tanya Khovanova, Soviet-American mathematician who became the second female gold medalist at the International Mathematical Olympiads.


[2] Filippo Valsorda (cryptography)


[3] David Wong (cryptography)


[4] OpenBSD everything


[5] blog with some funny articles


[6] Might need a proxy/VPN to access this site


[7] Not a blog but something nice



[8] weekly useful/curious datasets


[9] documenting startups getting swallowed by the big fish


A lot of the tech ones I follow have already been listed so I will try to list some that others may not be aware of.

1. Applied Divinity Studies. Rationalist adjacent. Obviously influenced by Scott Alexander, but less optimistic, a bit more cynical. - https://applieddivinitystudies.com/

2. Scott Locklin's blog. He used to post on HN. Mostly covers tech related things (but physical tech, not web stuff). Many HN readers will find him too abrasive and will miss the point. - https://scottlocklin.wordpress.com/

3. Granola Shotgun. Hard to pin down what this blog is about exactly, but generally focused on tradeoffs between different configurations of the built environment. The author will baffle the ideologically prejudiced. He's a gay guy in SF who has nice things to say about Mormons and rednecks. - https://www.granolashotgun.com/

Fabien https://fabiensanglard.net/ is a must on this list, IMO. I really enjoy his code reviews.

I can also recommend the books he have made so far on Wolfenstien 3D and Doom.

Fabien is one of my favorite writer ever. I love everything about his work!

I also like the minimalist style of his site.

I agree! The best websites are those maintained by individuals without a profit motive. Here's a short list that I've started collecting:

- Kevin Kelly: kk.org

- Patrick Collison: patrickcollison.com

- Patrick McKenzie: kalzumeus.com

- David Perell: perell.com

- Berthub.eu

- Alexey Guzey: https://guzey.com/

- https://www.gwern.net/index

- https://astralcodexten.substack.com/

- https://dcgross.com/

- Paul Graham: paulgraham.com

- https://nintil.com/

- Laura Deming: https://www.ldeming.com/

- Sam Altman: https://blog.samaltman.com/

- Casey Handmer: https://caseyhandmer.wordpress.com/

Paul Graham is great and his blog is one of the most quotable and inspiring blogs I have ever read. I even bought Hackers & Painters: Big Ideas from the Computer Age. It is a must read for anyone attempting to found a new start up company.

Not sure if you mean "individuals" compared to companies or organizations, or actually just solo bloggers, so I'll include a few that have more than one individual author but are "personal".

https://marginalrevolution.com/ - on economics but so much else

https://avc.com/ - Fred has some of the best startup insights

https://abovethecrowd.com/ - Gurley doesn't blog much but when he does it's great

Checking my rss reader ...

https://feld.com/ (VC, but wide ranging)

https://mapbrief.com/ Snarky GIS content

https://randsinrepose.com/ Management advice for a level I'll never get to :)

http://gregmankiw.blogspot.com/ Right of center economics

https://ultrasaurus.com/ Tech

https://www.eugenewei.com/ Big pic tech and society

Tangent: Use an RSS reader to subscribe to these to support RSS! I have been using https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/feedbroreader... recently and enjoying it

I've tried Feedly, Inoreader, Old reader, Newsblur, and Elfeed. Newsblur is my average favorite since 2013.

I like Fraidycat: https://fraidyc.at/ (browser plugin, mostly)

Not only that it makes less work for you, and takes up less space in the browser. As in you don't have to visit each site on a regular basis, and you don't have a whole bunch of bookmarks sitting around.

Give https://sumi.news a try. It has both a chronological feed of all posts, and a list of only the recent post from each feed.

Seconded. I use NetNewsWire on macOS/iOS.

A few of mine:

- https://www.windytan.com/ (windytan: signal processing)

- https://www.righto.com/ (Ken Sheriff: IC reverse engineering, vintage computing, misc)

- https://jvns.ca/ (Julie Evans: software development, particularly networking)

And even though it's not a written blog, a special mention goes to Ben Eater's website, which links to his fantastic YouTube series on building an 8-bit CPU from logic chips, and on building a 6502 computer.

- https://eater.net/

Great thread, found lots of people to add to my feedly.

Surprised to see no one has yet mentioned https://filfre.net — The Digital Antiquarian — a frequently upvoted domain: https://news.ycombinator.com/from?site=filfre.net

Strong second, and I'll recommend his Analog Antiquarian blog as well, covering general history in a pleasantly lyrical style. Jimmy can tell a story like nobody's business! Definitely worth your while.


This blog is a gold mine, or a deep well. A deep well of gold.

I would love to just download them onto my Kindle and enjoy them out in the sun with a [insert beverage].

> https://lukesmith.xyz/blog

Luke Smith has some interesting ideas about free software and his Linux/Vim tutorials are very good. However, he's someone who harbors a lot of racist and hateful views. Don't believe me? Watch his livestreams.

His recent crusade to get many people on Monero likely stems from him getting busted[1] for accepting a $30,000 donation in Bitcoin from a French white nationalist who donated[2] $500,000 in Bitcoin earl to far-right groups last year, some of whom were directly involved in the Jan. 6 insurrection.

[1]: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/mar/12/far-right-open...

[2]: https://blog.chainalysis.com/reports/capitol-riot-bitcoin-do...

Luke Smith's article on the 4 causes is great and captures an important idea about what modernism lacks.

if you like melting asphalt (probably the best blog I've ever read) you'll probably also like:

- Venkatesh Rao's https://ribbonfarm.com (it's very much a diamonds-in-the-rough type blog imo)

- the farnam street blog https://fs.blog/ consistently puts out good content

- /sometimes/ lesswrong puts out good ideas when they're not busy modelling spherical cows in a vacuum - https://www.lesswrong.com/

- if you're really into systems theory and don't mind reading strongly management-consultant oriented prose (can't abide it myself but the content is good), https://thesystemsthinker.com/

Raymond Chen’s blog is a very interesting blog if you do Windows development.


+1 on Brain Pickings. Recently discovered this and have been using the Surprise Me button to find random goods to read https://www.brainpickings.org/surprise/

https://blog.fefe.de/ (in German, about software security, politics etc.)

I like the design a lot.

Can confirm. It's basically what https://motherfuckingwebsite.com/ suggest and actually provides entertaining content/rants.

Exactly. People usually try to optimize for "first impressions". However, if you visit a site regularly, you're _only_ interested in the content, everything else is unnecessary, bloated noise.

Seth Godin has written a short, thoughtful post every day for 13 years: https://seths.blog

Also worth reading is Seth’s top 100: https://seths.blog/top-100/

I wish people wrote some description and not just ten links.

I like Kalzumeus' and your blog a lot. And Julia. Tania started out OK, but everything she's produced in the past 2 years is insipid. She seems pretty unlikable.

Here's a thread from where this was asked a few years ago in case anyone wants to see who was recommended in the past.


- Mark Brooker :: https://brooker.co.za/blog long time lead engineer @ AWS blogging technical info on distributed systems - Chris Wellons :: https://nullprogram.com/ lots of interesting explorations in code

I've gotten out of the habit of checking blogs on the regular (which is a bad thing), but I do catch up on these when it crosses my mind:

- http://rachelbythebay.com/

- https://www.hanselman.com/blog/

Have you thought of getting a RSS feed reader so you don't have to check? I use Feedbro which is also a browser extension so its very easy to see when theres a new post.

Australia Politics, an independant and thoughtful analysis but an journalist: https://johnmenadue.com/

South East Asian Affairs, a collation of a scholars own writings and compliaiton of others that they find interesting: https://scholars-stage.blogspot.com/

and of course WaitbutWhy for the joy of reading about the universe as it relates to ourselves, all through great doodles: https://waitbutwhy.com/

Where are the statistics blogs?

    Christian Robert https://xianblog.wordpress.com/
    Andrew Gelman https://statmodeling.stat.columbia.edu/
    Deborah Mayo https://errorstatistics.com/
    Frank Harrell https://www.fharrell.com/
    Radford Neal https://radfordneal.wordpress.com/
    Variance Explained http://varianceexplained.org/
    Larry Wasserman (inactive) https://normaldeviate.wordpress.com/
    20% Statistician https://daniellakens.blogspot.com/
    Jim Albert https://baseballwithr.wordpress.com/author/bayesball/
    The R blog https://developer.r-project.org/Blog/public/
    Graphic Detail, by The Economist https://www.economist.com/graphic-detail/rss.xml
    The Royal Society Data Science Section https://rssdss.design.blog/blog-feed/
Many good “blogs” can be created by following good users on Cross Validated. StackExchange provides RSS feeds of user activity.

Many statistics journals also offer RSS feeds. These feeds are sometimes hidden, but an RSS reader like NewsBlur can discover them for you. This post[1] is a good starter collection of statistics journal RSS feeds.

[1] https://robjhyndman.com/hyndsight/rss-feeds/

Several of the blogs I enjoy are already linked within this thread, but I recently started reading a coworker's blog after finding out he'd spent more than 20 years consistently writing articles online, mostly about tech and philosophy. The archive has some very interesting articles: https://stpeter.im/journal/

Of those posted, I will +1 daringfireball, jwz, idlewords, filippo, and danluu as people worth reading.

My favorite is Aaron Swart'z weblog. Unfortunately it is no longer active but the webserver is still running thanks to friends of his http://www.aaronsw.com/weblog/archive

The best one, of course, is Bret Devereaux's acoup (https://acoup.blog). It's the only one I follow with any regularity. It's a weekly blog focussing on history and sometimes on its interaction with popular media, like GoT or EU4.

Scott Galloway is also a great read. He writes about the digital economy and tech. (https://www.profgalloway.com/)

I also enjoy reading Martin Tournoij's blog whenever he updates it (https://www.arp242.net/). He's the author of goatcounter and writes about tech and sometimes certain social issues in tech.

Vedica Kant and Anmol Maini write about the Indian startup ecosystem at https://www.kuwi.news/ (it's a substack newsletter). I don't read it all the time but certain pieces are pretty good.

And, finally, to plug my own self, I write about health economics, health policy, and systems thinking at Hawk Radius (https://hawkradius.com)

- https://textslashplain.com/

by Eric Lawrence of Fiddler fame, who's worked for last two decades on IE, then Chrome, then Fiddler, then Chromium-Edge.

A mine of knowledge on browser internals, networking, web compat.

- https://blog.pragmaticengineer.com/

by Gergely Orosz, on mobile dev & big tech from European point of view

I love Matt Pharr's blog [0]. He's one of the authors of the Physically Based Rendering book [1] and his blog is mostly centered around that topic, with really well written and interesting articles.

[0] https://pharr.org/matt/blog/

[1] https://www.pbrt.org/

https://brandur.org has lots of interesting posts about databases, especially Postgres. Also posts about interesting technical problems and their solutions. One of my favorites is this one about implementing an idempotent API:


Brandur's deep dives into tough topics are always great!

Ken Shirriff's blog: http://www.righto.com/ He does amazing teardowns, reconstructions, and analysis. 10/10 would definitely read again.

Maciej Cegłowski's writing is wonderful. (He's the developer behind https://pinboard.in/.)

This post is my favourite and had me hooked from the first sentence:


Dan Luu! https://danluu.com/

He talks about systems performance and it's super deep and detailed. Highly respectable and inspiring.

I love reading about articles on Databases, especially about their internal workings. Some of the blogs I follow:

1. Oren Eini - Creator and CTO of Raven DB - https://ayende.com/blog

2. Tyler Neely - Creator of Sled DB - https://medium.com/@tylerneely

3. Philip O'Toole - Creator of rqlite - https://www.philipotoole.com/

4. Martin Kleppmann - Author of Designing Data-Intensive Applications - https://martin.kleppmann.com/archive.html

5. Glauber Costa - worked on glommio, scylla DB - https://glaubercosta-11125.medium.com/

Do recommend me if you know more!

Surprised I haven't seen https://www.swyx.io/ mentioned for articles in the JS world and general dev stuff

https://kentcdodds.com/ Is also great for JS, React especially testing opinions

ah just got notified of this shoutout via f5bot.. very kind of you! i am def still figuring out what im doing with the blog, all i know is its a long term game haha

- https://fintechbusinessweekly.substack.com/ - for Fintech News - https://stratechery.com/ - for tech related discussions

Daniel Lemire's blog is brilliant: https://lemire.me/blog/

Zeynep Tufecki's (https://zeynep.me/) newsletter is pretty good, and sometimes she publishes elsewhere like The Atlantic but links back to it, which I like too.

- https://diff.substack.com/ thoughtful analysis of finance and tech

- https://www.kalzumeus.com/archive/ a couple things on here I would say you actually need to read if you want to write code for a living

- https://lethain.com/ great insights on engineering management patterns and antipatterns

https://blog.openstartuplist.com/ Open Startup List blog https://tinyprojects.dev/blog tiny projects blog http://hummusrezept.de/ food recipes blog https://nav.al/ Tech investments blog


convinced me to begin marketing the little projects I make :) very fun, informative, and inspiring

Good blog I sometimes read about public transit/urbanism/etc.


https://www.collaborativefund.com/blog/archive/ - not just one individual but a few. Entrepreneurship, finance, tech.

"Every investor is making bets on the future. It’s only called speculation when you disagree with someone else’s bet.

In hindsight there was as much speculation in the 1990s that Kodak and Sears would keep their market share as there was that eToys and Pets.com would gain market share. Both were bets on the future. Both were wrong. It happens.

Of course there’s a speculation spectrum. But let’s not pretend that others speculate while you only deal with certainties."

https://cryptohayes.medium.com/ - Arthur Hayes blog. Crypto trading mostly.

"I am an arbitrage trader at heart. In May 2013 brimming with my experience as a delta one trader, I entered the crypto capital markets. The first trade I ever put on was buying Bitcoin from Mt. Gox, depositing them on ICBIT, then selling BTC/USD June 2013 inverse futures contracts at a premium. My first trade captured a premium of 200% per annum (PA). When the futures expired, and my PNL matched my spreadsheet calculations exactly, I thought to myself, holy shit, “Bitcoin is LIT!”"

I second collaborative fund blog, really great stories and reflections

https://www.dcrainmaker.com/ - DCRainmaker is THE run/bike/swim tech reviewer. Extremely in depth reviews with lots of pictures of any and every major tech device that hits the fitness world.

https://weatherwest.com/ - In depth explanations of mostly California weather phenomena and medium term predictions.

Vitalik! https://vitalik.ca/ obviously eth/crypto-focused but some great dives.

Very related:

What's everyone using for RSS, webdev + client side??

What's everyone's feeling on ActivityPub?

I use https://sumi.news - it has both a chronological feed of all posts, and a list of only the recent post for each feed. Also it gives you an email to follow newsletters with.

Miniflux is my RSS reader of choice.

ActivityPub is a complicated protocol, but I still implemented ActivityPub support into my blog.

Me too!! The only thing I wish Miniflux did is newsletters.

I'm using a Miniflux instance.

Check out my blogroll: https://jlelse.blog/blogroll

Do you have blogrolls as well?

This is the coolest shit I've seen today.

Great take on a webring.

Thanks! — let's adopt this, wow.

Blogrolls are good things, but unfortunately they aren't universal these days.

https://livingstingy.blogspot.com (Robert Platt Bell, former patent attorney)

^^ His blog has changed quite a bit since I started reading it in 2013. Used to be more about ways to save money, but he's long since moved on to just writing about various current issues. I don't always agree with what he has to say, but I find his experiences and opinions very interesting.

Here's a sample:







Whenever I go searching for how to take better notes I always end up on:





Miscellaneous technical stuff:

- https://danluu.com/

- https://blog.jessfraz.com/

- https://adamwathan.me/

- https://jvns.ca/

- https://rachelbythebay.com/w/

- https://dankim.org/

- https://mtlynch.io/

- https://rgz.ee/

- https://markdotto.com/

- https://thorstenball.com/

- https://sarahdrasnerdesign.com/writing/

- https://lukesmith.xyz/ - Quirky minimalist linux & free software stuff. I don't agree with many of his opinions but his rants are entertaining + offer a refreshing view on certain things.


- https://bernoid.com/

My absolute favorite discovery this past year has been Monica Belevan's Covidian Aesthetics blog.

Some of the best writing about being alive right now to be found if you're interested in anthropology, art history, and philosophy. Can't recommend it enough.


one of my favourites too. i'm sad it's no longer updated, but i go back and read through the archives every now and then.

http://www.commandlinefanatic.com/cgi-bin/showpage.cgi?page=... is good deep dive into various topics. Enjoy the gzip explaination

Matt might's 'blog' https://matt.might.net/articles/ is good read about various functional ideas and others

https://aphyr.com/posts/342-typing-the-technical-interview funny post about how complicated balancing a binary tree could be

https://tratt.net/laurie/blog/archive.html some intersting posts about various aspects of programming language tools

Warning, better copy paste the link than clicking on it. When redirected from HN site, the displayed page is an NSFW page, probably shows jwz's aversion to hordes coming via HN.


One of my favorite blogs. To start, here's the most clever breakdown of rap and finance, I've ever read.



“Futility Closet is a collection of entertaining curiosities in history, literature, language, art, philosophy, and mathematics, designed to help you waste time as enjoyably as possible.” The podcast is good too!

https://macwright.com/ - my favorite blog about software-related topics

https://vebaccount.substack.com/ - great stuff on economics through a heterodox lens

One of my favourites, from a friend of mine: https://dustri.org/b/

Content ranges from security, to programming, to observations about life.

I like it because there's usually some good point that is made and I consider it to be well written.

Why 0 points? I'm not Mr Money Mustache but down voting seems unfair.

https://lukesmith.xyz/ -- very opinionated, but interesting person

https://martin.kleppmann.com/archive.html - reading about distributed systems and db are extremely interesting

https://danluu.com/ - his metrics articles is how I found him out, but other articles really good too.

https://paulefou.com/ -- This is my blog. I write about self-development for software engineers and my experience with different strategies on the path

Some good programming/mathematical logic content here: https://stopa.io/

Russ Cox of Go: https://research.swtch.com/

Brought a smile see the blog mentioned, thanks! :)

For personal finance: "Of dollars and data". Mainly short articles, approximately weekly, and, rare enough to be noted, the code for all analysis is shared.


I've often come to a post from https://utcc.utoronto.ca/~cks/space/blog/ in the middle of trying to understand some ZFS problem.

Awesome technical and programming related blogs:



Dead Voles - https://deadvoles.wordpress.com/

Interfluidity - https://www.interfluidity.com/

The Debate Link - http://dsadevil.blogspot.com/

Econbrowser - http://econbrowser.com/

Empassive - https://mandelcabrera.com/

Dead Voles and Econbrowser may have more than one contributor, but its not part of some institute or organization or anything like that.


I come across a lot of blogs when I curate for my newsletter Interesting Things [1]. Just looking through the links that have been curated in the past month or so, I would suggest:


- https://wasteofserver.com/

- https://tonsky.me/

- https://brianschrader.com/

- https://blog.thea.codes/

- https://fasterthanli.me/

- https://jvns.ca/

- https://blog.royalsloth.eu/


- https://www.drorpoleg.com/ - About work and society

- https://staysaasy.com/ - About tech work

- https://www.nateliason.com/ - About life in general

- https://andymatuschak.org/

- https://craigmod.com/

- https://perell.com/

And, of course, shameless plug: https://bengtan.com


[1] https://bengtan.com/interesting-things


The NixOS infrastructure is awesome, and of course the whole blog is open sourced and served from the nix store.

Matt Levine on Bloomberg for everything finance: While I am only medium interested in finance, Matt Levine makes it all sound farcical. It is usually a fun read, and I learn something about how the world runs (or usually in which creative ways people abused the way the world runs) https://www.bloomberg.com/opinion/authors/ARbTQlRLRjE/matthe...

Derek Lowe on medicine. He is an absolute expert on the topic, but doesn't mind to speak his opinion and to explain it on a sufficient level for me. https://blogs.sciencemag.org/pipeline/

Scott Aaronson on algorithms and quantum physics. Scott is a great communicator, and of course an absolute expert on these topics. He does sometimes go a bit off topic though. https://www.scottaaronson.com/blog/

Sabine Hossenfelder on experimental physics. Expert on these topics, and has a (very) critical opinion, which is refreshing in this field and can give a feel about what is going on. Lately, she did shift to more pedagogical explanations which are a bit too low level for me, but the blogposts still contain gems from time to time. https://backreaction.blogspot.com/

Glenn Greenwald on journalism and politics. While he is very sharp and opinionated, he digs up new stories and has an out-of-the-box but well-informed opinion I largely agree with (I'm an anarchist). https://greenwald.substack.com/

Scott Aaronson is IMHO worth reading even when he writes about non-technical topics. And he tags his posts with categories such as "Quantum", "Complexity", "Rage Againts Doofosity", etc, so it's easy to skip topics that you aren't interested in.

https://www.otherhand.org/ - An interesting blog by a Southern Californian native who recount's search and rescue missions as well as other historical and scientific research.

The best read it the The Hunt for the Death Valley Germans - https://www.otherhand.org/home-page/search-and-rescue/the-hu...

Ryan Moulton's Articles kind of a unique combination of tech and nature: https://moultano.wordpress.com/

For me:

- https://twopagesdoublespaced.substack.com/ - short form non-fiction

- https://www.joshwcomeau.com/ - technical snippets

- http://paulgraham.com/ - entrepreneurship

- https://audacity.substack.com/ - a variety of talented writers

https://blogs.sciencemag.org/pipeline/ - In The Pipeline by Derek Lowe is fantastic

Oh, yeah. He's great at anthropomorphizing molecules and atoms. Check out his "Things I Won't Work With" series for a great sample: https://blogs.sciencemag.org/pipeline/archives/category/thin...

Big fan of https://n-o-d-e.net Lots of unique content to the DIY, maker, hacker community. I also have a much much longer list that is always growing on my own blog, under "Blogs (Independent)": https://l-o-o-s-e-d.net/bookmarks Obviously I was influenced by NODE's hyphenated domain. It's been a fun SEO challenge haha


over 3 decades of IT industry commentary and insight.

he doesn't post as frequently anymore but I still enjoy it.

Tim Bray’s aeons-old blog is always good reading: https://www.tbray.org/ongoing/

Some of the blogs I like, but don’t read enough (I almost ceased reading blogs at all lately):

- https://jacobian.org/posts/

- https://www.kalzumeus.com/archive/ (classic)

- https://schwitzsplinters.blogspot.com/

Highly entertaining stories https://moxie.org/stories.html (Moxie Marlinspike)

If you’re looking for cryptography, I maintain my favorite active blogs here: https://github.com/mimoo/crypto_blogs

I was even interviewed about that list :P


Might not technically be blogs, but definitely by individuals: https://mediamonarchy.com/ https://www.corbettreport.com/ And for the musicians: https://guitardashboard.com/

Every one on this list is pretty good. - https://kevq.uk/blogroll/

No longer updated, but still full of valuable insights:


If you are a manager / founder in a startup with a visionary interest in corporate culture, then you might find https://bradhenrickson.substack.com/ to be worthy of exploration. Brad has held leadership positions in a wide variety of startups and early stage companies so he is walking the talk with these personal blog posts.

Aside: how do you go about writing these blogs? As a new grad in CompSci, looking at all of the great details these blogs touch upon, is overwhelming

I guess people mainly write what they're passionate about, and for the same reason they know a lot about those topics because they already spent a lot of time thinking about it.

It's a mix of personal interest and seeking to develop an expertise. It's also a lot of discipline. I wrote more publicly in the early part of my career, but my writing is more company-internal these days.

I'm subscribed to Bruce Schneier's Crypto-Gram which is a newsletter of blog posts from "Schneier on Security". I highly recommend it to anyone who is interested in security practices, surveillance, data breaches, or cryptography:


Brian Hayes's bitplayer: http://bit-player.org/

Brian Hayes was once an editor of Scientific American. The blog covers a variety of topics, some related to computer science or math, some not. It reminds me a bit of the old Computer Recreations column that used to run in Scientific American.

My job is about operations research and optimization. One of my favourite blogs is "Yet Another Math Programming Consultant", that contains great articles about this topic. https://yetanothermathprogrammingconsultant.blogspot.com/



- Programming - Applied Math

And some random stuff like: Evaluating splatoon's ranking system: https://www.evanmiller.org/evaluating-splatoons-ranking-syst...

Really recommend it ;)

Drew Devault's blog - https://drewdevault.com

- https://heredragonsabound.blogspot.com/ - detailed posts about procedural generation of fantasy maps

- https://thealexandrian.net/ - for tabletop rpg content

Sprites Mods, great hacker, an inspiration for me : https://spritesmods.com/

Fabrice Bellard, creator of FFMPEG, QEMU, and lots of other amazing stuff : https://bellard.org/

Hasn't been updated in a while, but if you haven't read it yet and like old(-ish) tales from the games industry, check out Patrick Wyatt's Code Of Honor: https://www.codeofhonor.com/blog/

I really wish people had given a brief little snippet for each one rather than just dump their OPML files haha


Nitin discuss from a fresh perspective what it will take to prevent climate change. He distills and synthesizes books and articles into short essays that push my thinking forward.

I've got a list of 100+ individual's blogs I like here:


Above and below are other categories too.

Unfortunately, the best I read was the last psychiatrist, which does not seem to be online anymore.

This one looks at unintended consequences of tech and tries to understand systems. Looks at examples in history as well as recent news: https://unintendedconsequenc.es/


It's run as though it's a professional news site, but it's really just one guy posting 99% of the content about the digital signage industry.

The Morning paper: https://blog.acolyer.org/

Shocked this has not been mentioned yet. It's on hiatus "for now" but I hope this comes back, this was by far my favorite.

Anybody remember the URL of that one psychiatrist blog? Paraphrasing a quote from there: "No, I can't be narcissistic, I hate myself too much! In fact, I spend all day looking in the mirror and thinking about how much I hate myself."

Considering the subject matter, could be Alone/The Last Psychiatrist @ https://thelastpsychiatrist.com

I think that's the one, thanks.

Sounds like it might be The Last Psychiatrist? https://thelastpsychiatrist.com/

I think that's the one I was looking for, thank you.

My favorite one relevant to HN is probably http://www.nullprogram.com

A programming blog for the most part, but I always find whatever they're writing about to be fascinating

Ava's substack is really good. It is the only newsletter I read regularly. It is about life and writing in general. https://ava.substack.com/

Here's a page from my blog [1] with my favourites. Cheers!

[1]: https://legends2k.github.io/note/hacker_culture/

https://www.redblobgames.com/ Amit Patel's blog, there's lots of game dev articles there and many of them have interactive demos

Cory Doctorow's


He's a pro-tech (anti-industry) left-wing futurist and science fiction author. I read him to get out of my filter bubble.

Bryan Cantrill's blog: http://dtrace.org/blogs/bmc/

I tune in every time I see a new entry pop up, it's so engaging.

Lots of great blogs here. One I haven't seen mentioned yet is Robin Hanson's - https://www.overcomingbias.com

Bennet Tomlin's blog where he writes about cryptocurrency scams and frauds: https://bennettftomlin.com

I like this one a lot: https://blog.fefe.de/

It's in german, but has a nice mix of political and technical topics

An heroic historical effort, imo: https://heathercoxrichardson.substack.com/

Motor controllers, flying things, looks like now high framerate video capture:


Surprised to see nobody has yet mentioned Zach Holman's blog: https://zachholman.com/

https://eclecticlight.co/ - Howard Oakley is always worth a read, on art or Macs.

For something different: https://www.hisutton.com is worth it for the original illustrations alone

The first few of these are my fav: https://dive.sh/thread/81vD2RhjxF

Surprised no one mentioned https://apenwarr.ca/log/ yet - such a great read!


Engaging, surprising, highly readable writing that connects cinema and style.

Some of my favourite blogs are listed on my blogroll - https://kevq.uk/blogroll

There are few posts but I like all those. https://rgwrite.com/blog/

Great writing about an optimistic future: https://www.rhyslindmark.com/

If you're interested in the Commodore era: https://techtinkering.com/

I really enjoy https://rootsofprogress.org/posts (Jason Crawford)

Such a great collection!

I like https://begriffs.com

Does anyone know any tool that will mass bookmark links on a page?

My Favs are listed here https://bobbydreamer.com/irevere

Wait But Why is what comes to mind without thinking.

I personally keep on eye on new things here - https://tonsky.me

Just realized that the "blogs" category in my Feedly has 347 entries in it, and about half of them haven't published in more than 3 months.

Here are some that are prolific and good:


Marginal Revolution: wide-ranging and prolific blog about economics and culture.


Anecdotal Evidence: well-written personal blog, mostly observations on books.


Krebs on Security: about information security. It's written for a popular audience, which is about the level at which I understand the subject.


Michael Tsai: collects quotes from other people about ongoing software-related news.


Acquisition Talk: about weapons system acquisition, government procurement, etc. Something I wanted to follow because it's a huge sector that doesn't get a lot of attention.


Futility Closet: wunderkammer-style blog with historical miscellany, quotes, puzzles, etc. Also a great podcast.


Jo Walton's Reading List: Not strictly a blog, but it's in my RSS feeds. I like to see what she's reading lately, and sometimes I get good recommendations from her (e.g. KJ Parker).


BLDGBLOG: about design, architecture, etc.


Colossal: about art and design.


Subtraction: about design

Well, by definition blogs are about individual people. It's the only way they are interesting.

The rest are news sites with a dynamic feed.

To quote an original blogger, Dave Winer, blogs, at best, are 'The unedited voice of a person.' http://scripting.com/2015/02/07/theUneditedVoiceOfAPerson.ht...

I don't read scripting.com much anymore, but it was the first blog I stumbled onto.

Ian Miell's blog https://zwischenzugs.com

I like Daring Fireball and read it mainly because it is one of the default NetNewsWire feeds and I never removed it.

That said, some of his political posts are offputting - not because I disagree with them on a liberal/conservative spectrum, but because they sometimes have an "I drank the kool aid" tone.

Anything from Craig Mod - https://craigmod.com

christine.website is a fun one

Matt Yglesias' slowboring.com is amazing.

I acquired a finance/economics blogroll during the financial crisis. The ones I still read are:

'Naked Capitalism", "Yves Smith", https://www.nakedcapitalism.com/

"The Big Picture", Barry Ritholtz, https://ritholtz.com/

"Calculated Risk", Bill McBride, https://www.calculatedriskblog.com/

Out of curiosity, why the downvotes?

daedtech.com - Erik Dietrich - software, consulting, entrepreneurship, slow travel while doing the aforementioned

Anyone have any good cleantech blogs?

Personal plug www.radoncnotes.com

Http://joelx.com :)

can someone combine these all into an OPML please?


This is such a great thread, I'm excited to begin reading quite a few of the linked blogs (such as this one: https://acoup.blog/).

These ones are some of my favorites: - www.wall.org/~aron/blog/ (physics, theology, history, philosophy)

- http://xahlee.info/ (math, emacs, keyboards, etc.)

- https://matt.might.net/articles/ (academy, compsci, etc.)

- https://www.joelonsoftware.com/ (programming, companies, etc.)

- https://danluu.com/ (technical topics)

- Mailing list in https://practicaltypography.com/

- http://paulgraham.com/

- https://math.ucr.edu/home/baez/ (math, physics)

- https://www.gwern.net/index (interesting articles)

- https://slatestarcodex.com/ and https://astralcodexten.substack.com/ (science, psychiatry, philosophy, rationality, etc.)

- http://steve-yegge.blogspot.com/ (programming)

- https://creativegood.com/blog/ (UX, and more)

- https://daringfireball.net/ (Apple)

- https://backreaction.blogspot.com/ (physics)

- https://thelastpsychiatrist.com/

- https://historyforatheists.com/ (historical myths)

- http://funcall.blogspot.com/ (programming, compsci)

- https://blog.fawny.org/ (accessibility, design)

- https://blog.jessfraz.com/ (technology)

- https://use-the-index-luke.com/blog (databases)

- https://weekendfisher.blogspot.com/ (God, love)

I can list some of my favorite articles from one of these blogs if anyone is interested.

+1 for John Baez, one of my favorite math writer. Especially the Azimuth blog: https://johncarlosbaez.wordpress.com/

Self-promotion: I run Thinking About Things [0], a simple newsletter that is a single link every other day to something interesting. Many subscribers have told me they've learned about a diversity of new blogs through the newsletter.

You can see some sample articles at [1].

[0] thinking-about-things.com

[1] mix.com/thinkingaboutthings

Is there an RSS feed somewhere, or possible down the line? My whole day is drenched with emails so I try to stay away from them whenever else possible.

You can use an RSS reader that supports newsletters, like <https://sumi.news>. You get an email you use to subscribe and they show up in your feed.

Lol you and I both.

Could this have an RSS feed? I'd like to put it in my reader.

Not sure if https://efficiencyiseverything.com/

Counts because he hires data collectors, but it's one of the most life changing websites I've ever visited.

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