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The way is YouTube Premium.

uBlock Origin**

(Why would you pay someone in order to stop behavior you find unethical?)

So you consider it ethical to watch videos hosted on the YouTube platform with their own servers/datacenters, that a creator is earning non-zero revenue from and block all ads?

Like block ads if you want man, whatever, but to take a moral high road lol...

That's not what the comment said at all.

He didn't claim that his action was ethical.

He said that YouTube's was unethical.

You completely misunderstood.

No, I took the argument that would logically follow instead of purely reading it literally.

Ethics is the basis of parent's argument. If what you are saying is true, that parent would yield their action is unethical, then the comment completely spelled out would be:

"Do not take YT's prescribed course (YT premium) because they are unethical. Instead, take my suggested route, even though it is also unethical"

Additionally, OP presented their option with * which means it's a correction or superior form, and not just an alternative. If they had said 'or alternatively use ublock' then maybe it would have been okay.

It actually took several reads here to figure out where you disagreed with me. You were like 90% of the way there.

Your re-write should read > "Do not take YT's prescribed course (YT premium) because they are unethical. Instead, take my suggested route"

to accurately reflect my sentiment, although I actually wasn't claiming that YT is unethical, only that user davesque seems to think they were. If I said "How can I stop this man from hitting me?", the response "pay him $5" would be poor, so I was suggesting an alternative.

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