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There are wo things you skip over:

1. You can't rewrite everything. Given enough hash power to create a longer chain, you can create a block that a) removes any transactions from a block in the original chain and b) contains new valid transactions (must be signed by you so you must be the owner of the Bitcoins used in the tx), allowing you to double spend your coins, but you can't change other people's transactions.

2. With each new block changing a past one becomes harder, while you make it sound as if you could arbitrarily rewrite history. Merchants usually wait several blocks before accepting your on-chain payment. Exchanges wait 6 blocks as that's seen as infeasible to change a block that's buried under 5 other blocks for non-nation state actors.

TL;DR: 1) Other people's transactions can at most be removed but not be changed and 2) data on the Bitcoin blockchain is tamper proof after x blocks.

This is ignoring that if you own 51% of the network, you are free to just rewind the chain back to whatever you think is suitable, and rebuild it from that point on.

Sure, someone, somewhere will know the truth but who cares - it's all about information control, and you control 51% of the network. Now your opponents have to scramble with social countermeasures to try and discredit your chain. A politically savvy attacker will simply buy off the main social nodes favorably.

EDIT: The problem with "oh but people will know" argument is that it assumes credibility outside the network, the thing which cryptocurrencies like to claim is unnecessary. In reality, if the network is 51% attacked, your entire recovery strategy is assuming enough people believe you about what's real or should be real. This isn't even theoretical: this is literally what happened to Ethereum.

> This is ignoring that if you own 51% of the network...

Are you talking about some kind of node sybil attack? Because the only way I can make sense of what you've said is if a system had client implementations maintaining zero state - relying completely on unsecured network consensus. But in that scenario hashing power wouldn't enter the equation. I don't know of any cryptocurrency that operates that way, and doubt that one ever has outside of a home lab.

Or are you talking about someone trying to hijack a cryptocurrency by creating brand confusion and convincing people to run modified code, like the failed bcash campaign against bitcoin?

A 51% attack on a blockchain has no rewrite ability past the point that where an attacker establishes a longer chain. That is why it is a "chain"... where do you think the hashing function inputs come from that are being fed into the adversarial mining hardware? An earlier block - the one where the attack started, you can't go back further than that without having to throw out and rehash your entire attack fork.

You are both mostly right, as I understand it.

If I had >50% hashing power of BTC(for exactly 1 transaction), I can make the current chain say anything I want, like give me all the BTC, and it would become valid and "permanent". To re-write actual history takes a lot more work, and wouldn't be possible with 51% for 1 transaction.. If I was able to maintain 51% control for a long time, then I can do anything I want for as long as I have 51% control. Though I imagine after that very 1st transaction, the world of BTC would blow up and everyone would stop hashing BTC as there would be zero point as the current chain is now effectively useless.

This is the real issue that I see, 1 transaction of 51% power is enough to permanently wipe out all of BTC's worth. As far as I'm aware every crypto currency basically has this same problem.

> You are both mostly right, as I understand it.

> If I had >50% hashing power of BTC(for exactly 1 transaction), I can make the current chain say anything I want, like give me all the BTC, and it would become valid and "permanent".

You clearly don't understand it, and it is kind of amazing that you think such a design would survive for as long as bitcoin has (going on 12 years) - by relying on altruistic miners not taking advantage of such a silly flaw. The Satoshi white paper is 9 pages long and written in very plain language... do like everyone use to do back in the day: read the paper and take a peek at the source, it goes a long way in inoculating you from misinformation that you subsequently repeat, accidentally (?) misinforming others.

BTC has changed a bit since the original white paper, and I have read the white paper(though it's been a while). Back it up with sources to convince me I'm wrong, don't just say I am with nothing but YOU ARE WRONG, that doesn't accomplish anything.

To help, here is my understanding.

In a < 51%(i.e. normal transaction), if I win the BTC mining lottery and get to write the next transaction, I can make it say whatever I want, but then 51% of the mining network has to agree that what I said was sane(as defined by the current mining software).

If I control 51%, then I can make the transaction say whatever I want AND I can make everyone else accept it as sane, because a majority of the network agrees with me.

This is how BTC changes over time, > 51% of the network agree that they will accept X as the new reality, and it then becomes the new reality.

The old question about how one eats an elephant comes to mind... you've expressed such a fundamental misunderstanding that the only sensible correction is: YOU ARE WRONG, START OVER. For example, this:

> ..make the current chain say anything I want, like give me all the BTC..

You know that transactions are cryptographically secured by public and private keys, right? That would be like saying "I can h4x0r all the hotmails and rewrite every PGP armored message to say whatever I want!" Do you think that miners, upon building the next block, have the opportunity to ignore all the rules with regard to PKI?

> ..and it would become valid..

There is a very straightforward block validation sequence, your attack would impotently collapse against it for any number of reasons: https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Protocol_rules

> I have read the white paper.

No you didn't. Sorry to have to put it so bluntly, but you couldn't have read it and still be so comically wrong - like I said, it is written in very plain language.

I don't think you understand software like you think you do. Those protocol rules do exist, and yes cryptography is involved, obviously, but those rules exist because the miners all agree on it, see: BIP2: https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0002.mediawi...

I.e. These rules CHANGE, and since they change(and have changed in the past) if you can convince a majority, you can change the rules to be whatever you want.

Also see: https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Economic_majority

Which is exactly what I said. If I have 51% of mining I can make BTC do whatever I want, but that doesn't mean the majority(or any) of the exchanges will accept it, which is basically what the above is saying.

Also see: https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Bitcoin_is_not_ruled_by_miners

Again, what they are saying is what I've said, they just put flowery language around it saying, see, miners can't do EVEYRTHING, which isn't technically true, but practically true. Miners can technically do whatever the hell they want, assuming they have the majority, but that doesn't mean exchanges like Coinbase will accept it and exchange the BTC for USD.

so what I said above is generally and technically true, see my other comment in this thread as well, where I said it would be a giant mess and likely ruin BTC forever if someone ever did execute a 51% attack. So there is little incentive(financial or otherwise) to do so.

The closest real-life example we have(that I'm aware of) is the BTC cash stuff, where it hard-forked and became it's own crypto currency because they couldn't get a majority to agree, but enough agreed to fork themselves.

> I don't think you understand software like you think you do.

Sorry, can't hear you above the noise of your furious backpedaling. If somebody rewrites the protocol rules in their software to allow anything approaching what you've described (lol, "yes cryptography is involved"), then why are they worried about btc hashing power? I mean, you specifically said:

> If I had >50% hashing power of BTC(for exactly 1 transaction), I can make the current chain say anything I want, like give me all the BTC, and it would become valid and "permanent".

I'll tell you what it would look like to the rest of the network if anybody enacted your diabolical plot: suddenly somebody starts submitting invalid blocks to the network at regular intervals and only those who are monitoring for weird traffic like that even notice, then the block solve rate slightly sags until the difficulty automatically adjusts. Congratulations, you've turned your massive hashing advantage into an incredibly expensive joke.

> I.e. These rules CHANGE, and since they change(and have changed in the past) if you can convince a majority, you can change the rules to be whatever you want.

False, everyone running a node is enforcing whatever rules their node is written to enforce.

You could have 99% of the hashpower, if you generated a block saying that Coinbase is handing over all their Bitcoin to you (with an invalid signature because you don't have their private key), their node and the nodes of most/all exchanges and businesses would just go "lol, wtf is this shit, not a valid block because it has a transaction with an invalid signature, ignored".

A majority of hashpower is not the same as a majority of economic participants.

> If I had >50% hashing power of BTC(for exactly 1 transaction), I can make the current chain say anything I want, like give me all the BTC, and it would become valid and "permanent".

No, this is a big misunderstanding of how it works. Having more than 50% doesn't give you superpowers, it just means that you're able to create VALID blocks faster than the rest of the network combined (creating invalid blocks is useless), which allows you to censor transactions (by not including them in your blocks, which will be the chain with more work because you have 50%+) and you can TRY to do double-spends.

A double-spend gets exponentially harder and more expensive to pull off the longer your target waits before considering the original transaction final, because you'll have to rebuild all the blocks generated since that transaction was included in the chain, so that your parallel chain that doesn't include that transaction becomes the chain with the most work that everyone follows.

What I'm saying is that, if enough big players like Coinbase et al. started saying "oh there's a BTC glitch, you need to pull a new state file..." then a huge number of people would do it. Not all, but you don't need all - just enough.

Again, if they don't control 51%, their new statefile would be pointless, unless they did a hard-fork, but if I have the resources for a 51% attack on the current fork, chances are I have the same capability on the new fork.

The only way what you propose would work would be if they could cobble together enough resources to break my 51% control.

So BTC would go 100% bust if someone managed a 51% attack. The question is, can someone with 1 transaction of 51% get enough converted to USD/etc before enough people noticed. Otherwise the financial incentive isn't there to try. I'd guess no matter what, it would be a huge fricking mess and if you did it in a country that didn't like you, it probably wouldn't end well for you years later when whatever govt you live in gets around to ruining your life, even if you managed to extract a few billion.

Because you know the exchanges like Coinbase as soon as they noticed would do their best to stop you(as it's in their best interest).

> This is ignoring that if you own 51% of the network, you are free to just rewind the chain back to whatever you think is suitable, and rebuild it from that point on.

Not exactly, for every block you rewind there is extra work you have to do, to the point where it may take you close to 2 years to rewind 1 year's worth of blocks (because while you're doing that the rest of the network is still creating new blocks).

It gets exponentially harder/more expensive the further back you want to go.

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