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No disrespect meant, but this sentiment is common among those without any experience with US manufacturing.

Industrial maintenance mechanics make $25-35 an hour depending on skills. Machinists make $30-50/hr. Skilled machine operators earn $22-30+ hourly depending on the type of machine and skill required. Plants like these hoover up industrial, mechanical, electrical, process, mechatronic engineers all at over $100k.

Perhaps you meant that completely unskilled labor is less in demand at manufacturing facilities. Even that isn't really true: the idea that 100% of these roles are automated is often believed by people without exposure to manufacturing; the reality is that you still need a lot of unskilled people making $15-20/hour for the plant to work, even with plenty of automation.

There are certainly fewer jobs than before, due to greater efficiencies and automation, but they aren't bad paying.

I'd say $20-25 is the cut off for good paying so really only the well paid people are the skilled ones. Those jobs will continue to exist, but will not be as numerous as unskilled jobs that paid well once were.

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