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It won't recover, our species won. It'll be just us, and whatever we eat and keep as pets. So prepare for a world of cats, dogs, cows, chickens and pigs.

I don't like it but that's the natural course we're taking.

You're forgetting the pests.

Human species have lost to each other several times. Those "us" may be pretty different. Homo cyborgus, no need for meat, direct neural communication link to cats, dogs, polar bears, bee hives, ...

We're past that, our cultural evolution is orders of magnitude faster, and we're otherwise evolving as a single species. That species will change slowly, but I doubt we'd "lose to ourselves".

We'd need some cultural event that segregates us rather drastically for us to split into subspecies again and compete.

This will happen if in theory we populate the Solar System, but since there are no habitable planets, that'd rather remain in the realms of limited research and small bases.

just imagine some embryo DNA modification which as a side effect comes without "backward compatibility" - i.e. impossibility to procreate (or more probably - with very bad results in case of procreation) between the people whose parents were able to afford the modification and the ones whose didn't. That is all it takes. No need for hundred thousand years of evolution.

Sounds plausible I guess.

Our species cannot survive without the biodiversity.

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