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> you have failed to sufficiently explain

This is the problem right here. I don't just read code I've written and I don't only read perfectly abstracted code. When I am stuck reading someone's code who loves the book and tries their best to follow those conventions I find it far more difficult - because I am usually reading their code to fully understand it myself (ie in a review) or to fix a bug I find it infuriating that I am jumping through dozens of files just so everything looks nice on a slide - names are great, I fully appreciate good naming but pretending that using a ton of extra files just to improve naming slightly isnt a hindrance is wild.

I will take the naming hit in return for locality. I'd like to be able to hold more than 5 lines of code in my head but leaping all over the filesystem just to see 3 line or 5 line classes that delegate to yet another class is too much.

Carmack once suggested that people in-line their functions more often, in part so they could “see clearly the full horror of what they have done” (paraphrased from memory) as code gets more complicated. Many helper functions can be replaced by comments and the code inlined. I tried this last year and it led to overall more readable code, imho.

You’re very close to his actual quote, he was referring to the horrors of mutating shared state: http://number-none.com/blow/john_carmack_on_inlined_code.htm...

Thanks for the link

> The real enemy addressed by inlining is unexpected dependency and mutation of state, which functional programming solves more directly and completely. However, if you are going to make a lot of state changes, having them all happen inline does have advantages; you should be made constantly aware of the full horror of what you are doing. When it gets to be too much to take, figure out how to factor blocks out into pure functions (and don.t let them slide back into impurity!).

Carmack is such a great communicator of software development philosophy. He also wrote a classic article on "Functional programming in C++": https://www.gamasutra.com/view/news/169296/Indepth_Functiona...

Do you know anything else he wrote like these?

The idea is that without proper boundaries, finding the line that needed to be changed may be a lot harder than clicking through files with an IDE. Smaller components also help with code reviews since it’s a lot easier to understand a line within the context of a component (or method name) without having to understand what the huge globs of code before it is doing. Also, like you said a lot of the times a developer has to read code they didn’t write so there are other factors to consider like how easy it is for someone from another team to make a change or whether a new employee could easily digest the code base.

The problem being solved here is just scope, not re-usability. Functions are a bad solution because they force non-locality. A better way to solve this would be local scope blocks, /that define their dependencies.

E.g. something like:

    (reads: var_1, var_2; mutates: var_3) {
       var_3 = var_1 + var_2
You could also define which variables defined in the block get elevated, like return values:

    (reads: var_1, var_2; mutates: var_3) {
       var_3 = var_1 + var_2
       int result_value = var_1 * var_2
    } (exports: result_value)

    return result_value * 5
This is also a more tailored solution to the problem than a function, it allows finer-grained control over scope restriction.

It's frustrating that most existing languages don't have this kind of feature. Regular scope blocks suck because they don't allow you to define the specific ways in which they are permeable, so they only restrict scope in one direction (things inside the scope block are restricted) - but the outer scope is what you really want to restrict.

You could also introduce this functionality to IDEs, without modifying existing languages. Highlight a few lines, and it could show you a pop-up explaining which variables that section reads, mutates and defines. I think that would make reading long pieces of code significantly easier.

This is one of the few comments in this entire thread that I think is interesting and born out of a lot of experience and not cargo culting.

In C++ you can make a macro function that takes any number of arguments but does nothing. I end up using that to label a scope because that scope block will then collapse in the IDE. I usually declare any variables that are going to be 'output' by that scope block just above it.

This creates the ability to break down isolated parts of a long function that don't need to be repeated. Variables being used also don't need to be declared as function inputs which also simplifies things significantly compared to a function.

This doesn't address making the compiler enforce much, though it does show that anything declared in the scope doesn't pollute the large function it is in.

Thank you. Your macro idea is interesting, but I definitely want to be able to defer to the compiler on things like this. I want my scope restrictions to also be a form of embedded test. Similar to typing.

I wish more IDEs had the ability to chunk code like this on-the-fly. I think it's technically possible, and maybe even possible to insert artificial blocks automatically, showing you how your code layout chunks automatically... Hmm.

You know, once I'm less busy I might try implementing something like this.

C++ lambda captures work exactly like this. You need to state which variables that should be part of the closure and whether they should be mutable and by reference or copies.

    auto result_value = [var1, var2, &var3]() {
        var3 = var1 + var2
        return var1 * var2
    return result_value * 5
Does anyone know if compiler is smart enough to inline self-executing lambda as above? Or will this be less performant than plain blocks?

Ada/SPARK actually has dependencies like that as part of function specs. Including which variables depend on what.

> Clicking through files with an IDE

This is a big assumption. Many engineers prefer to grep through code without an IDE, the "clean code" style breaks grep/github code search and forces someone to install an IDE with go to declaration/find usages. On balance I prefer the clean code style and bought the jetbrains ultimate pack, however I do understand that some folks are working with grep/vim/code search and would rather not download a project to figure out how it works.

I've done both on a "Clean Code", lots-of-tiny-functions C++ codebase. Due to various reasons[0], I spent a year using Emacs with no IDE features to work on that codebase, after which I managed to get a language server to work in our specific context, and continued to use Emacs with all the bells and whistles LSP provides.

My conclusion? Small functions are still annoying. Sure, with IDE features in a highly-productive environment like Emacs is, I can jump around the codebase at the speed of thought. But it doesn't solve the critical problem: to understand a piece of code that does something useful, I have to keep all these tiny functions in my working memory. And it ain't big enough for that.

I've long been dreaming about IDE/editor feature that would let you inline code for viewing, without actually changing it. That is, I could mark a block of code, and my editor would replace all function calls[1] with their bodies, with names of their parameters replaced by the names of arguments passed[2].

This way, I could reap benefits of both approaches - small functions that compose and have meaningful ways, and long sequential blocks of code that don't tax my working memory.


[0] - C++ is notoriously hard to get reliable code intelligence (autocomplete, xref) to work. Even commercial IDEs get confused if the codebase is large enough, or built in an atypical fashion. Visual Studio in particular would happily crash for me every other day...

[1] - With some sane default filters, like "don't inline functions from the standard library and third-party libraries".

[2] - Or autogenerated ones when the argument is an expression. Think Lisp gensym. E.g. when I have `auto foo(F f);` and call it like `foo(2+2);`, the inlined code would start with `F f_1 = 2+2;`. Like with expanding Lisp macros, the goal of this exercise is that I should be able to replace my original code with generated expansion, and it should work.

You wrote: "I've long been dreaming about IDE/editor feature that would let you inline code for viewing, without actually changing it." That sounds like a great idea! That might be useful for both the writer and reader. It might be possible to build something like using the libraries that Clang provides, but it would be a huge feat -- like a master's or part of a PhD.

You also wrote: "Visual Studio in particular would happily crash for me every other day..." Have you tried CLion by JetBrains? (Usually, they have a free 30-day trial.) I have not used it for enterprise-large projects, but I have used it for a few personal projects. It is excellent. The pace of progress (new features in "code sensing") is impressive. If you find bugs, you can report them and they usually fix them. (They have fixed about 50% of the bugs I have raised about their products over the last 5 years. An impressive clearance rate!)

> It might be possible to build something like using the libraries that Clang provides, but it would be a huge feat -- like a master's or part of a PhD.

Yeah, that's how I feel about it too. A useful MVP would probably be shorter, though, even if it sometimes couldn't do the inlining, or misidentified the called function. I mean, this is C++, I haven't seen any product with a completely reliable type hints & autocompletion, and yet even buggy ones are still very useful.

> Have you tried CLion by JetBrains?

Not yet. Going by the experience with IntelliJ, I expect to be a very good product. But right now, I'm sticking to Emacs.

In my experience, professional IDEs (particularly the JetBrains ones) are the best for working with a particular programming language, but they aren't so good for polyglot work and all the secondary tasks surrounding programming - version control, file management, log inspection, and even generalized text editing. My Emacs setup, on the other hand, delivers superior ergonomics for all these secondary tasks, and - as long as I can find appropriate language server - is within order of magnitude on programming itself. So it feels like a better deal overall.

I agree about the "professional IDEs" point. Are you aware that IntelliJ has language plug-ins that lets you mix HTML/JavaScript/CSS/Java/Python in the same project? I guess CLion can at least mix C/C++/HTML/JavaScript/CSS/Python. This is great when you work with research scientists who like to use different languages in the same project due to external dependencies. I can vouch for /certain/ polyglot projects, it works fine in IntelliJ. (That said, you might have a very unusual polyglot project.)

As for tooling, I might read/write/compile/debug code in the IDE, but do all the secondary tasks in a Linux/Bash/Cygwin terminal. Don't feel guilty/ashamed of this style! "Use the right tool for the job." I am forced to work in Windows, but Cygwin helps me "Get that Linux feeling - on Windows". I cringe when I watch people using Git from a GUI (for the most part) instead of using the command line, which is normally superior. However, I also cringe when I watch people hunt and peck (badly!) in vim to resolve a merge conflict. (Have you seen the latest merge tool in IntelliJ? For 90% of users, it is a superior user experience.) To be fair, I have also watched real pros resolve merge conflicts in vim/emacs equally fast.

One thing you will find "disappointing" is the CPU & memory footprint of any modern IDE requires 1990s supercomputer resources. It is normal to see (multiple) enterprise-large projects take 1-10GB of RAM and 8-16 cores (for a few mins) to get fired up. (I am not resource constrained on my dev box, so I am willing to pay this tax.) However, after init, you can navigate the code quickly, and get good real-time static analysis feedback ("code sensing").

Vim has weapons-grade go to definition today using language server protocol, so multiple files is a non-issue for users running LSP.

With ViM you can get decent results with a plugin that consumes the output from the ctags library.

It’s not perfect though and depending on how you have it set up you may have to manually trigger tag regeneration which can take a bit depending on deep into package files you set it to go.

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