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Mostly a maintenance release, but the and/or compiler pass thing is somewhat neat. First, it might seem that such an optimization would not be that useful, but actually it's one of the most critical ones - we want to write the persistent data structure code in a language idiomatic way yet know that performance sensitive JavaScript code will be generated.

Here's the problem.

In Clojure `and` and `or` are just macros that expand to `let` + `if`, simple and elegant:

    (defmacro and
      ([] true)
      ([x] x)
      ([x & next]
       `(let [and# ~x]
          (if and# (and ~@next) and#))))
... except when you target JavaScript - which is not an expression oriented language. So `let` will be wrapped in an immediately invoked function expression (IIFE). Google Closure does elide these when it can, but it will give up after only a few levels of nesting. For an IIFE to appear in the middle of a conditional is a performance killer.

Another complication is that it's not safe to just use `&&` and `||` blindly because of `0` and the empty string and the other cases which are not false-y in Clojure(Script). Checks for JavaScript false-y values are a performance killer.

So years ago we implemented a simple form of type inference which annotates the AST with type information as a compiler pass on every node when possible. As long we know the JavaScript `if` will receive a boolean value we can elide the JS false-y value check.

But this is also exactly the information we need to safely run a following pass that looks for the above and/or syntactical patterns and optimize it. As long as each nested `if` is guaranteed to return a boolean, we can remove the local and use `&&` or `||` instead.

The and/or optimization pass ended up being ~120 lines of code with no actual dependencies on anything else in the ClojureScript analyzer or compiler because the ClojureScript AST is just plain EDN - https://github.com/clojure/clojurescript/blob/master/src/mai...

Happy to answer any further questions about this!

UPDATE: Also ClojureScript turned 10 years old this month :)

Thank you and all contributern for your amazing work on clojurescript.

Happy birthday ClojureScript and congrats & thanks you for all your high quality work!

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