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I'm not sure what you are arguing here. Do you think 1% is a significant finding? What was the margin of error?

I don’t really know if it’s a significant finding. My point was that you asked “how you measure a 1 percent decline in news source quality?” and suggested that your personal confusion about such a thing throws the entire paper into question. Instead of having such strong judgments, why not just read the paper?

I am personally not sure how astronomers measure gravitational redshift with such apparent accuracy. But my ignorance does not mean astronomers are a bunch of frauds. It means I haven’t done the required reading.

Doubt is not a strong judgement. I was hoping someone had the details and would clarify. I appreciate that you did that as you've turned my doubt into certainty. They did not precisely measure a 1% change in news source quality.

This thread epitomizes the paper.

Gravitational redshift didn't convince you?

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