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People (me and friends) reroute their travel through Moscow to get to Minsk now. Annoying but still i believe that this is a right decision from eu side.

just out of curiosity, are you worried that posts such as this one could land you in trouble at some point? or are you taking steps like using a VPN for this?

I am living outside of Belarus right now in a country with decent government, so i don't really worry about this. But ofc i use my own wireguard vpn and mtproto proxy for telegram when i am traveling to Belarus. I am not going to censor myself, but it pays to be cautious.

As proven by the fact that a regime critic just caused a plane to be diverted, living outside of Belarus is by itself unfortunately no longer a guarantee for safety. So please be very careful.

I appreciate your concern, but lets be real.

I am a nobody, Raman was a prominent opposition figure even before aug 2020 and ex-editor of NEXTA (biggest belarusian opposition channel on tg). He was arrested because of his relation to NEXTA. Me? I am just a dude, who works\lives abroad and has to deal with shit that my beloved leader pulls off.

Reason why people in Belarus are getting arrested for stuff like commenting/posting, is because they leave their bio\phone number\sensitive stuff open or do it on socials that are working with cops (viber, vk, whatsapp etc). HN is perfect because you can use 5 minute mail to create an account. Regular cops wont be able to dox you unless they have your phone. It is very different if you got attention from KGB or other dudes. But you have to be prominent enough to do that.

And finally. I can post/comment on HN as much as i want because HN is very far from being of any interest to cops. Small site, most days purely tech themed, that is 100% in english.

> socials that are working with cops ... whatsapp


I've checked again, and most posts about fines\arrests that i was able to find were related to screenshots of groupchats, and no data requests were done to whatsapp itself. My bad.

Viber worked actively with cops while their head office was in Minsk, even after Rakuten acquisition.

VK, and other companies that are located in Russia, especially those that are owned by mail.ru group, are actively working with cops.

Ok, thanks

While it may vary by the government or jurisdiction in question, whatsapp is definitely compromised at the LE/Judicial level in some places. This leads me to believe that in fact it is universally compromised, though I have no direct evidence to support that conclusion.

Be more specific.

Compromised how? Which places?

I’m not the author, but yes it might.

The regime is getting crazier and they eventually might start cleansing folks who said something online. Or their relatives. You just never know.

What about Kiev? Is it a worse option?

That transit in Moscow can be risky to some politically exposed persons.

Russia and Belarus are very close allies. I doubt anyone who is at risk by transiting in Moscow would be safe in Minsk

> Russia and Belarus are very close allies. I doubt anyone who is at risk by transiting in Moscow would be safe in Minsk

You cannot really call them allies. Better to say its Beijing, and Pyongyang type relationship.

Lukasenka can't even sneeze without Kremlin's approval.

You think Russia would risk having their planes banned all through Europe to give a two bit dictator a reporter?

Russia has murdered dissidents multiple times in foreign capitals in plain view (resulting in other civilian deaths) most recently the Novichok murders. They don't care about what the west thinks and likely approved this operation too.


They shot down a passenger jet not all that long ago and got away with it.

That's not true actually. Not a fan of the modern Russia but a fan of accuracy. That plane was shot down by rebel Donbass forces by mistake. They were not well trained and mistook it for a military plane.

You think EU would give Russia the same treatment as Belarus?

Good question. Who knows, all I know is that it is time to really de-escalate relations between the big power blocks. At the same time Western democracies have to put limits on what totalitarian regimes, true and wannabe ones, are allowed to get away with. These things seem to be mutually exclusive so. I always thought the Putin is the most dangerous and cunning leader the world currently has. I also thought that this cunning would prevent him from doing anything stupid. Not so sure anymore about the last bit anymore, given with what he got away with so far.

Don't ask me what Western powers should do so. Given the loss in soft power in the last decade, throwing out human rights by the EU during the refugee crisis and ever since, the new alliance between Israel and Saudi Arabia, Trumps foreign policy, options seem to be limited.

The EU knows it can’t risk a major energy supply (as evidenced by Gazprom running roughshod over Vestager).

Eu: Bans Russian air traffic Russia: Stops selling oil to EU

Who wins? Who flinches first?

Nobody is going to ban Russia. Look at the map. How do you think they'd fly between EU and China/Japan? Over Russian territory. Case closed, even not talking about nukes and stuff, just on economic reasons. For heaven's sake, they are finishing a major gas pipeline between Russia and Germany (look up North Stream 2), what bans could there be? Russia is not Belarus (even though Belarus is definitely a puppet of Russia) and EU would not dare to go as far, however nice it would sound. And Putin knows that very well.

Is it? Who is at risk in Moscow but not in Minsk?

Yeah, but it is one of the last options that does not involve using buses\trains to get to minsk rn.

As opposed to, say, travelling to Minsk?

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