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My pleasure!

My understanding of Rust audio programming is that it is possible, but still fairly early days... something like JUCE provides a huge amount out of the box that you might not initially appreciate, e.g. it abstracts away the details of all the different plugin formats and all the different platform's audio APIs, and it has been around for long enough that you can be confident it does it well.

I'm really curious about Rust as it feels like a nicer language to work with than C++, but if you are serious about building professional audio software I personally don't think you can avoid C++ so you might as well embrace it.

I have a feeling that with Rust, you'd spend half your time figuring out how to do stuff that JUCE does out of the box, which is fine if you are interested in the figuring out part, but ultimately it might not help you focus on the actual audio programming.

Also there are a tonne of resources on C++ and especially JUCE out there, never underestimate the power of being able to Google for your answers!

Edit: on the C++ side, I found Bjarne Stroustrup's "C++ Programming Language" book quite a good way to understand the fundamentals. To be honest, I usually learn new languages just by doing and Googling, but with C++ it quickly became apparent after the 100th mystery crash that I'd actually have to understand what was going on under the hood with memory etc!

Thank you! Looks like I might have to embrace C++ after all ;)

Haha yeah sorry about that ;) To be honest I actually found it really interesting to be exposed to lower level concerns like thinking about memory allocation, runtime complexity, locking etc. after working in higher level languages throughout my career, but there’s no doubt that it can be a frustrating language at times.

One thing to watch out for is that the language has evolved a lot recently, but a lot of code samples are still written in an old style. You want to make sure you are using “modern” C++ (e.g. post C++11) features where possible e.g. smart pointers. It can be a bit confusing as some JUCE classes have been superseded by the C++ standard library, they date back to the days before “modern C++”... but I wouldn’t stress too much, using the JUCE versions is usually equally fine.

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