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I worry that you're worried about a group of people freely participating in activities that could lead to further mutations of viruses that could spread to people.

It's a bit of paranoia and maybe even unconscious bias against the group mentioned you're not aware of.

Heterosexual unsafe sex is just as likely to lead to virus mutations and it's certainly a higher proportion of the population, yet you choose to point out gay males in particular?

It's vastly less likely to transmit HIV to the penetrative partner, so the fact that it's possible for gay males to perform both roles makes it more likely to spread.

It's oversimplifying, but it's not wildly off base.

Right, but isn't this dicussion about _other_ viruses, not HIV (due to PrEP)?

The same could be said for the pill and heterosexuals, no?

People do make that argument, yeah. I’m not well versed in the subject of heterosexual or homosexual sexual statistics to opine on either, I just wanted to clarify what was being discussed :)

It's not paranoia since people who engage dangerous acts are also danger to society, just like drunk driving or the corona deniers. Just because the group were talking about is gay men doesn't mean the same doesn't apply. I've yet to met a gay men who disagrees and vast majority of them think it's problematic.


This appears to be a discussion about the dangers of rampant unsafe sex, not about prep. I know tons of straight men and women who have unsafe sex.

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