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More likely, they'd get upgraded to "first-party" tracking by acting as a CDN-layer where the ad networks do the proxying/caching to get the actual content upstream before merging it with the ads and serving whole thing in a single request. How would you block ads from Cloudflare if it became an ad network?

The same way you do now with ublock origin. By removing specific elements which match a rule.

The networks will still be able to track you, but ads will be blockable until pages discard the DOM and switch to canvas rendering the whole page

Then you serve the ads on the same set of elements that also contain critical content to the user. You can't block ads from Twitch / YouTube with a rule if the ads are baked into the stream itself. Same goes for any other kind of "element" that doesn't explicitly set itself apart from the actual content.

The ads have long ago started evolving away from a simple "here's an ad neatly placed into its own semantic container so that blockers can target it".

> You can't block ads from Twitch / YouTube with a rule if the ads are baked into the stream itself

you probably wont ever read this, but you actually can.

the pre/post video ads have always been blockable with ublock origin, and the mid-stream adverts, inserted by the content creators themselves can be skipped using SponsorBlock.

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