You wrote "I can tell where I can park USDC and DAI and get 2% returns per month - and have gotten that consistently for the last 8 months. Can you tell me any traditional bank that can offer this good of a deal? "
If it was not your intention to imply your crypto scheme was as safe as a bank account or a traditional bank product like a CD, you did a bad job of communication what you were trying to say.
If you communicate (however unintentionally it might have been, I'll grant you the benefit of the doubt) like a sucker roped into ponzi scheme, it's only rational to assume you are one.
I didn't care about the details of your speculative business, I cared about the giant red flag you raised when you compared what you were doing to a bank offering.
Read the first part of the what I wrote and read what I was responding to: OP was asking why use stable tokens if they don't have any chance of appreciating in value, and my response was to show that you can put your capital to work in crypto even if you stick only with stable currencies.
In no point I am saying that what I am doing is "just as safe as a bank". And when @kobasa pointed out that it is indeed possible to have above-average returns given the information asymmetry, you doubled-down on your assumption and implication that I either (1) don't know what I am talking about or (2) am somehow being dishonest.
Frankly, you are being quite offensive and reading only whatever confirms your worldview. This is not the way to keep a conversation.
If it was not your intention to imply your crypto scheme was as safe as a bank account or a traditional bank product like a CD, you did a bad job of communication what you were trying to say.
If you communicate (however unintentionally it might have been, I'll grant you the benefit of the doubt) like a sucker roped into ponzi scheme, it's only rational to assume you are one.
I didn't care about the details of your speculative business, I cared about the giant red flag you raised when you compared what you were doing to a bank offering.