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What kind of Engineering do you do? Depending on your degree, a legal career might be possible.

When I'd started college a long time ago, I couldn't decide between Computer Science or pursuing a legal career. I went with CS, I didn't love the CS program, so I switched to Electrical Engineering and eventually got my masters.

As it turns out, I ended up in a software career, but about 5 years in, I wondered about the road not taken, so I looked at what it would take to get into a legal career. Many law firms hire Engineers to do patent work and will pay your salary AND pay for you to attend law school, so I applied for roles and got one at a big law firm. I ended up not pursuing it all the way for personal reasons, but it was definitely a possible path to switch from Engineering.

I'm a software engineer. I have an Electrical Engineering degree from an ivy league school (if that matters. Personally I think it doesn't).

I am VERY interested in your comment regarding law. Thank you. Can you give me any references on some firms I can contact?

The job title is generally called Technology Specialist, Patent Technology Specialist, or something similar. Here's an overview from one firm: https://www.wolfgreenfield.com/careers/technology-specialist...

My experience was a while ago, but having actual work experience and an EE degree made me VERY employable. My firm had about 25 people in this role, and only two of us had work experience, and I was the ONLY one with a degree in something other than bio or chem. The world has changed a bit since then, so YMMV.

With an Engineering degree (CS doesn't count), you'd also be eligible to sit for the Patent Bar and become a registered Patent Agent as well. As for the job itself, it's helping the patent attorneys understand inventions, search for prior art, draft the patents and claims, etc.

It's not a very team oriented job, which is why I left. I did have my own office with a great view and a secretary (patent secretary is a well-paid, specialized job), which was nice.

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