Its actually better if prisons are private. If they dont meet standards you can shut them down or hurt them financially. State prisons are the worst because there is no accountability whatsoever. Look at countries that ONLY have state prisons you will be shocked.
Here in germany we don't turn prisoners into slaves. We give them opportunities to learn a job to resocialize after their time. Yes, there is work for prisoners, and yes it pays way less than it should, but again, it's part of the reso program.
Good for Germany. I'm glad their prisons are well run.
You know how when a politician gets asked a tough question they avoid answering and immediately pivot to a trope where they have a couple talking points they can hit?
Well that's what you just did.
Prisons should be rehabilitating prisoners but the punishment vs rehabilitation debate is an almost completely tangential issue from public vs private.
I don't think private prisons are necessarily good, they seem to suffer from the same "the government doesn't cut and run from bad vendors" issues that many other things government contracts out do, but there is a legitimate pro/con debate to be had over whether the entity sending people to prison should be under the same umbrella as the entity administrating and in some cases profiting off of (massive conflict of interests!!) prisons.
>Here in germany we don't turn prisoners into slaves.
Do you tell them where they must live and how they must behave? If they disobey and go about their daily lives ignoring what you tell them (meaning they don't even show up for prison) do you use force to make them comply? Even if you don't profit off of them, that is still a form of slavery. And to be pedantic, the people who are forcing them to obey are making a profit because they receive a paycheck for their actions, one they would lose if they didn't force the prisoners to behave. The state may lose money, but the actual people running the prison are profiting off enslaving prisoners.