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What are good introductions to Data Structures and Algorithms for a hobbyist developer?

I've been slowly making my way through a course on udemy, in Javascript, focused on DS&A - https://www.udemy.com/course/js-algorithms-and-data-structur.... I've been developing for 10+ years, mainly on Frontend, but it's given me more confidence in how I approach writing code.

MIT Press ‘Introduction to Algorithms’ by Cormen et al. is an excellent book to learn although it is perhaps not an easy and accessible introduction; it’s academical and extensive. It would require time and effort. Maybe other options are better, like a Coursera course, if you want to get a superficial taste of the topic instead of a more in-depth exploration.

Coursera and many similar online resources all have good DS&A courses.

Check out https://www.coursera.org/browse/computer-science/algorithms or just search for free courses, they all cover the same things so just find one you like.

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