Ph.D. in Machine learning + natural language processing. Big data. Data mining. Text analysis. Data strategy. 10 yrs experience in these specialties. 20 yrs generalist coding/engineering experience.
Recommendation systems. Better search. Classification + categorization. etc.
I am currently wrapping up a large project and want to fill up my pipeline. Myself, or a team that I assemble, depending upon the scope of the project.
------------ MetaOptimize ------------
Ph.D. in Machine learning + natural language processing. Big data. Data mining. Text analysis. Data strategy. 10 yrs experience in these specialties. 20 yrs generalist coding/engineering experience.
Recommendation systems. Better search. Classification + categorization. etc.
I am currently wrapping up a large project and want to fill up my pipeline. Myself, or a team that I assemble, depending upon the scope of the project.
Remote opportunities only.