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I’ll Take ‘White Supremacist Hand Gestures’ for $1k (nytimes.com)
4 points by aiddun on May 17, 2021 | hide | past | favorite | 5 comments

pareidolia, plain and simple, shame it wasn't mentioned in the article

That does seem to be the correct term for what happened. I had never heard of "Pareidolia" before, thanks for sharing. Actually it's definition might make a good Jeopardy answer!

Hehe, it would!

In the Ai world it's called overfitting.

Great term, happy to illuminate :)

It seems less simple than that since there is a political angle, which is mentioned in the article.

Hmm, I guess you can add in there a hand full of cognitive biases if you wanted. Reactance bias, negativity bias, loss aversion, etc...

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