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I think that the response of pros to FCPX is understandable but also wrong. If FCPX were the first word processor, they're complaining that it doesn't come with liquid paper and two color ribbons.

The way in/out points and compound clips work in FCPX is simply ridiculously awesome -- it's kind of what After Effects tries to do with compound clips implemented in a realtime modeless manner.

Was Apple insensitive (e.g. by halting FC Studio sales the moment it released FCPX)? You bet. Did it bungle the PR? No question. Is FCPX a non-pro tool? Pro tools are tools pros use. I have no doubt some pros will use FCPX and some FCPX users will turn pro. Will a lot of FCP7 users cling to the old ways or switch to Premiere or Avid or whatever? Probably.

"The way in/out points and compound clips work in FCPX is simply ridiculously awesome"

You mean, the way it forgets the in/out points you set on a clip? Yeah, I LOVE that. So much more fun to re-trim each and every clip every time you click on it. Huge timesaver. /sarc

Obviously I do not mean that, but your point is well-taken.

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