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Serverless compute solutions like AWS Lambda, but with increased capabilities.

Why do I need to build a container image when I can just list my dependencies and provide some code to run? For example: "I need Programming_Lang version 4.14, Library_A version 2.2, and Library_B version 1.5".

I don't care what the underlying operating system / system libraries are as long as it is fast and secure.

I just need to run my code. Why should I need to manage the rest as long as it works?

Lambda supports container images now and it works really well for letting you choose what languages and runtimes you want to support.

The next step might be standardizing activation and dispatch, possibly with knative or a common API surface over vendor libraries.

Agreed, but the functionality you see as a dev still needs an implementation layer, and it will likely be containers. Knative is relatively mature and offers something like the experience you are describing.

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