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Is there any analogue of seccomp in windows that can be used with BPF?

Windows already has a native system call filter, doesn't it?

I don't think so? I actually looked for such functionality recently and couldn't find anything. Kaspersky uses a hypervisor to hook syscalls[0] in order to provide such functionality. There's also DTrace for Windows[1], but that requires being enabled through bcdedit which is a bit... meh.

[0]: https://github.com/iPower/KasperskyHook

[1]: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-hardware/drivers/de...

I'm thinking of the win32k.sys filter, which, my Windows-literate friends inform me, only blocks a subset (a gnarly subset, but a subset still) of the total kernel attack surface; it's not a general-purpose filter.

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