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But PowerShell feels so clunky and slow to me (disclosure: I'm used to Linux). If you want object-oriented automation tools, Python works much better on Linux. Granted, it's not a shell, but if we're talking automation, then it doesn't really matter.

I think the big issue for Windows is that most "admins" aren't in the habit of automating things, or at most they'll write a basic bat file. They still expect to click around their GUIs, so they'll be fairly reticent to install the Windows Server Core version [0]. "To be able to intervene in case something happens". The main issue with this is that they often aren't aware of possibilities offered only via PowerShell[1]. There's also the issue that when they look things over in the GUI, they won't see the configuration that's only visible through PowerShell.


[0] Windows Server Core comes without a GUI, but it can be managed remotely with the usual tools. However, not all server roles work on it. Remote Desktop Gateway is one such example, even though it doesn't have any "desktop" functionality.

[1] For example setting up split-view DNS. This is possible since Windows 2016, but only via PowerShell, and it's impossible to know from the GUI that it's activated. Also, this configuration doesn't replicate through ActiveDirectory.

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