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The Linux functionality is intended to allow Windows developers to develop for Linux and deploy to Linux.

Compiling on WSL2 would have terrible performance. WSL2 is just there to try to entice companies to say their developers shouldn't need to move to Linux or Mac. No one is seriously developing in WSL.

It's not really targeted at compiling either. Think line of business apps on web technology like .NET Core, PHP, Python, etc...

With WSL you can setup some docker containers or do some orchestration with Kubernetes and push it off to the cloud with minimal effort.

If you really want a full Linux environment you can spin up a VM in Hyper-V. WSL just makes it easier to do things where a VM is a hassle.

Docker containers don't run in WSL.

You still have to install Docker Desktop and enable the integration. You can't simply install docker in your WSL2 distro and use it.

Not accurate. I don't have docker desktop and docker works fine for me in WSL2

They do in WSL2, as I understand it.

Try it out... install Ubuntu using WSL2. Install docker using apt-get. See that it doesn't work without the Docker Desktop install for Windows and a special integration. Try running podman or other container-based solutions and see that they don't work.

Having followed the instructions from https://docs.docker.com/engine/install/ubuntu/, I was able to get this working fine. This is without Docker Desktop installed. It probably would have also worked with the version from distro repository.

  zed@ZED-PC:~$ sudo service docker start
   * Starting Docker: docker                      [ OK ]
  zed@ZED-PC:~$ sudo docker run hello-world
  Unable to find image 'hello-world:latest' locally
  latest: Pulling from library/hello-world
  b8dfde127a29: Pull complete
  Digest: sha256:f2266cbfc127c960fd30e76b7c792dc23b588c0db76233517e1891a4e357d519
  Status: Downloaded newer image for hello-world:latest
  Hello from Docker!
  This message shows that your installation appears to be working correctly.

The full output for 'docker run' was much longer, so I've snipped it down to size

Are you even on Windows? This is with WSL 2, as you can systemd doesn't work as expected in WSL2. This is a known issue. If systemd is working for you, then you are doing something magic:

  sudo systemctl start docker
  [sudo] password for u3332:
  System has not been booted with systemd as init system (PID 
  1). Can't operate.
  Failed to connect to bus: Host is down

From that link (permalink to answer: https://stackoverflow.com/a/61887923) :

> Nowadays you can try:

> sudo service docker start

> when using WSL2, if you are running on windows version 2004 or higher (I assume).

Which is what I did in the listing above.

  sudo service docker start
  [sudo] password for u3323:
  docker: unrecognized service

Did you install docker from their own PPA linked in the instructions above, and are you on Ubuntu 20.04 with WSL2? Those are the only steps I took.


on 'cmd' also shows

  Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.19042.928]
if that helps


Everything except the service start, which I had to find in that StackOverflow thread. We've hit the max comment depth, so I couldn't response to you directly.

Are you referring to the install instructions for Ubuntu? No where does it mention running the commands:

  sudo service docker start

If you run the Docker daemon manually, it works just fine. I'm running a container on it right now.

It's not a problem with Docker on WSL 2, but a problem with the way WSL uses its own init system instead of systemd, while some Ubuntu packages are packaged for a systemd system.

> Compiling on WSL2 would have terrible performance.

define terrible. Compared to what ?

> No one is seriously developing in WSL.

A very strong statement. Do you have any proof perhaps ?

> define terrible. Compared to what ?

Terrible = significantly worse than a native Linux distro that doesn't use a file system integration layer.

> A very strong statement. Do you have any proof perhaps ?

Just experience working in the industry.

> worse than a native Linux distro that doesn't use a file system integration layer

What filesystem integration layer?

Yes, having your compiler on Linux access its files over plan9 would indeed have terrible performance. That's why Microsoft tell you not to do that.

Just run everything on the Linux kernel and compilation will be the same as on Linux. You do have a choice of where you put your files.

Why would they need WSL2 to do that? AD and Office were and still are plenty enough to keep MS on corporate PCs.

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