I stopped using deodorant years ago because I just didn't see the point.
If it did what it said on the bottle I'd be fine with it, but it doesn't actually deodorise anything. If you or your clothes are dirty the only way that takes away the smell is to wash, adding another smell on top of it is not a solution.
If they want to make a deodorant they should sell bottles of chlorine gas instead, but then they'd have to answer to the OPCW, never mind the FDA.
you want anti-perspirant, not deodorant. Try Mitchum Unscented (It's for "women" but it's completely odourless, so who fucking cares). It's BY FAR the best deodorant I've ever found. As someone who used to suffer from serious BO; find a product that works, and learn to wash your clothes properly. Butyric acid is the enemy.
Yeah, I suspect what makes people smell bad is not so much the sweat as organisms that spring to life in their clothing when exposed to sweat, or just plain water for that matter.
Before the pandemic I worked with a lot of lycra biker types who would bike in and then shower at the office, and their wet towels made the whole office reek to high heaven. I mostly don't care about people's actual BO, but I suspect that I'm very sensitive to certain fungal VOCs. They give me migraine-like symptoms. I know some hoarders who haven't taken a shower in years, there's a kind of penile and scrotal aura in the air around them. It's not pleasant, but it's not even on the same scale as mouldy towels and clothes.
If it did what it said on the bottle I'd be fine with it, but it doesn't actually deodorise anything. If you or your clothes are dirty the only way that takes away the smell is to wash, adding another smell on top of it is not a solution.
If they want to make a deodorant they should sell bottles of chlorine gas instead, but then they'd have to answer to the OPCW, never mind the FDA.