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Purchase some hardware with cash and distribute it around the world to tunnel through. Then expose them as public proxy servers (or even Tor nodes) so that a fair amount normie traffic passes through them.

If you seriously feel paranoid about being watched then you'll want to own the hardware you're actually passing through. And I assume that any large organizations that demand this level of invisibility (cartels etc...) have essentially done this - likely locating some of those servers behind armed guards that will protect the physical device.

That said, I think it's unlikely that Tor has been majority compromised at this point, but as it fades from the minds of folks and becomes more and more niche the probability will escalate.

I would have paid some homeless guys to get me bunch of SIM cards, use em once, and proxy via some hacked webcams, after cleaning the rest of the malware off em…

I mean. That’s what I uhh, would do if I was doing something dodgy on the internet…

Edit; with a second hand android bought from a pawn shop running nethunter as an ap ofc…

> what I uhh

Send me your address and I uhhh

>Purchase some hardware with cash and distribute it around the world to tunnel through.

how do you keep the hardware physically secure? What prevents a gov actor replacing it with their own mitm proxy?

Given the immense barriers to setting up an exit node, I would find it rather surprising if the majority of exit nodes are not already controlled by state actors, either directly or by proxy. My personal opinion is that if anonymity on Tor is to continue, it will be the result of competition for control of the network between opposing states and not altruistic non-profits.

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