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Paul Buchheit at Startup School 08. This talk continues to inspire me (youtube.com)
69 points by bemmu on June 29, 2011 | hide | past | favorite | 8 comments

This is a good talk, though I enjoyed watching him talk about Friendfeed knowing now that it has been bought by Facebook. At around 17 minutes:

"Everyone says 'We`re building something different' and whatever, but then they go and flip for 20 million dollars or something, and your like, well then you weren't really doing something different, were you?"

"So, but we really are doing things differently."

In all fairness, Friendfeed was really different. I have been on a lot of different forums and sites online in my time, and I've never seen as robust a realtime discussion forum that aggregates your online identity like Friendfeed. Awesome discussions and groups from its heyday. Really active "rooms" and threads were amazing to participate in without hitting F5. Friendfeed was really something special. I'm surprised more people aren't using it as an intelligence and research/exploratory tool -- it's great for that sort of thing. Cool tools like Tornado were also built at Friendfeed.

Paul has a brilliant sense of humour.

Is this the one where he talks about how his experience at intel was analogous to steve wozniak's experience at hp? The idea that there were people just as smart and determined as them but weren't able to do anything interesting because of the environment really amazes me. reminds me of the talk richard feynman gave about the myth of some special talent or miracle that allows scientists to understand quantum mechanics. fuck, i need to get back to work

Anyone know what the slides were?

We did before Google bought Omnisio and killed it. Acquisitions sure seem swell for the founders; not so much for the users.

Where are the slides?

Why what does he say? Can you summarize?

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