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Another data point: I've lived in Austin for 13 years witbout a car. I am 31. I live in what I consider the best part of Central Austin and ride the bus to downtown for concerts/drinks or to the University area, walk to nearby bars and coffee shops. 1100 sq ft with front and back yard, garage for 900. Split with roommate is 450. No state income tax. I understand that New York has a million options and many city amenities, but I dont understand how one could say the costs even out.

It won't even out from everywhere - I would say that living for $450 a month in a decent place in an urban part of a major American city is abnormally inexpensive.

The article's author came from Seattle - and I can say without a doubt that this city is expensive. Not NYC expensive, but if you took a nice place in Bellevue or Kirkland, and included the cost you're paying for your car - it would come up to NYC rent.

I'm in the middle of a relocation to SF right now, and equivalent rents in SF are maybe ~30% higher than here in Seattle... When you're in the ballpark as SF, you're an expensive city.

Having seen several folks here mention Austin specifically, why isn't the Austin startup scene as hot as the NYC one - particularly given the cheaper costs in general? I have family so I would have issues with trading hours for equity (though I hope someday to down scope my budget enough to do so), but it seems that with SXSW and other things going on that Austin ought to be a possibly YC SouthWest sort of place. Is it perhaps TOO laid back?

   Depends, I rent a 2 bedroom in seattle for 1525 downtown, and take the bus on microsoft's dime to work almost everyday. In new york I lived in what was more or less a walk in closet for 600 and purchased a monthly subway pass for about 85$ a month. 

  Theres so much to do in new york though that the accomodations didn't really impact my quality of life.

  Additionally, Food was cheaper in astoria than it is in seattle, or than it was in california. Street vendors are tasy and inexpensive. Resturants outside of manhatten are reasonable. A couple of resturants inside of manhatten are reasonable. 

   Clothing was pretty cheap especially for the quality level if one is willing to hunt around a bit for good aftermarket stores. 

  7$ beers in the city were a little annoying but prices plummet as you head towards queens or brooklynn.

  Life may be cheaper in some locals but the quantity of ammenities and quality of life makes up for a possibly modest increase in expense.

 . . . and before everyone starts down voting me let me just say "boo, microsoft bad. Wahh, terrible, evil giant"

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