I once heard someone tell me that good OOP ends up looking very functional. I've taken that to heart, and I believe the code I write is better as a result.
I do use the `class` keyword in my js, but I'm also on a team of C++/Ruby programmers who are forced to write js, so the more I can do to make it more familiar, the better. As you said, it's just a tool. Some people like nails and some people like screws; there are objective advantages to each, but either one will hold a house together.
> I once heard someone tell me that good OOP ends up looking very functional.
Immutability and thinking about if a class should really be stateful are the major wins.
I was recently looking over some code that essentially just did transformations, but all the inputs and outputs were member variables, so it took some effort to track what creates what and what depends on what. The members also had empty defaults, so if you mix up the order you call the functions in, the code still appears to work. It wasn't "wrong;" it was hard to follow and error-prone.
I do use the `class` keyword in my js, but I'm also on a team of C++/Ruby programmers who are forced to write js, so the more I can do to make it more familiar, the better. As you said, it's just a tool. Some people like nails and some people like screws; there are objective advantages to each, but either one will hold a house together.