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Startup Growth Calculator (2014) (tlb.org)
50 points by sarthakjshetty on May 9, 2021 | hide | past | favorite | 8 comments

Meh, looks nice and UX is OK, but not really useful IMO.

Often, growth means that operating cost also grow, e.g., due to higher infrastructure cost, more worker salaries, expansion into more economic markets with more/new regulations to tackle, ....

That could be at some fixed percentage in a simple model, and is a quite relevant factor which this tool completely misses.

So go for that spreadsheet, it can start really simple, with minimal parameters like this has - but being able to adapt and expand it over time as ones business growths and changes allows for much better and more efficient planning.

also growth percentages changes over time. I had 80% growth first few months and then kept on reducing as revenues increased.

Not sure how to model this natural dampening in growth wrt time and revenues.

Discussed at the time:

Startup Growth Calculator - https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=8040448 - July 2014 (30 comments)

and a bit more:

Startup Growth Calculator - https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=16802351 - April 2018 (1 comment)

Startup Growth Calculator – if nothing changes, are you alive or dead? - https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=10766922 - Dec 2015 (1 comment)

It’s a nice idea, but a spreadsheet is more flexible and worth the time spent contemplating the inputs.

Looks cool, but keeps freezing for me on Safari 14.1.

After dragging any of the sliders for a bit, the console reports:

``` SecurityError: Attempt to use history.replaceState() more than 100 times per 30 seconds ```

and it freezes.

Looks like it encodes the positions as base64 in the url? Seems pretty dumb to do it like that. Freezes for me also


Goes well with the kind of slide that says:

"If 100M people give us ten dollars, we have a billion"

It took me some time to realize it is an editable/slidable graph :)

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