inflation makes buying stuff on credit more attractive, especially when you can get it with really low interest rates which everyone expect to rise sooner than later
Priced in, in what? Assets prices? That would make for, inst-ainflation, I guess...
In any case, the thing is that cannot be priced into the rates of loans, because the same factor that will contribute to a rising inflation (increasing the monetary mass faster than real economic productivity) makes the loans very cheap by definition.
I for sure would get into all the long term fixed low rate debt I can handle to acquire assets that I think will not depreciate as fast
Only in retrospect, if inflation was unexpected. But if it was unexpected you couldn't have taken advantage of it, because, by definition, you weren't expecting it.
I don't see how the expectation change anything. Either inflation dilute the monetary value of your debt quicker than your asset depreciation or it doesn't.
So, any scenario were you bet (correctly) that inflation will rise at a higher rate than a fixed interest rate is very attractive