There's a need for good Clojure tutorials for beginners. I have a whole lot of technical nitpicks with the content, but this is a good start and a good thing for the Clojure community. Great work.
I hope that you give the author a list of things to fix, etc. I write a lot and I can tell you that authors really appreciate feedback and corrections.
So, I wanted to start a blog. But then I discovered that all blogging platforms suck, so I decided to write my own. Then I decided that all programming languages suck, so I had to learn a new one to write my blog.
I would say Lisp's world domination plan is coming along swimmingly.
C'mon, be gentle - he said a big reason to write a new blogging platform was to learn the new language. That's legit - dunno how many file system browsers I have lurking around my archives for the same reason.
I don't know if this is the right time to be introducing clojure to beginners yet. The language is still undergoing some basic fundamental changes. If you look at 1.3 there is so much that is different and breaks stuff from 1.2 and before. Right now the main strength of clojure is that the only people using it are the people who are good enough at shipping real software to understand why it's worth the trouble. I would hate for it to become the next fashionable "me too" language like Ruby and get punished by being stuck with supporting too many newbies.
Ruby got stuck at 1.8.6 for so long because it was really difficult to introduce code breaking changes in new versions, due to the number of people who were already using it. It would be better to evangelize clojure after the clojure/core team is closer to finalizing the language design and has shifted focus to performance and growing the ecosystem.
Having survived the transitions from pre-1.0 -> 1.0 -> 1.1 -> 1.2 -> 1.3, there's been surprisingly little in the way of breakage, usually just a bit of search and replace.
The changes in 1.3 (which honestly should have been called 2.0) have caused a lot of upheval to people using the alpha releases. Even things as basic as ring-devel were broken. But new users should have enough sense to stick with the stable releases. Now that 1.3 has entered beta the number of libraries that remain unpatched are few and far between. It's the folks who are using git master in the middle of the release cycle who are feeling the pain, not the newbies.
A possible improvement to the tutorial would be a part of how to work with code stored in files. If I haven't missed anything, the current version seems solely REPL-based.
On the other hand this would into the IDE territory which maybe something that the author intentionally avoided.