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Suicide by Culture (2017) (250bpm.com)
97 points by ArkanExplorer on May 8, 2021 | hide | past | favorite | 46 comments

"Sexual abstinence brought in the familiar zoo of weird behaviors, ranging from coitus interruptus to having sex with animals."

Umm... abstinence causes people to have sex with animals?

Count me as more than a little skeptical.

This essay is a "just so" story, full of completely unsubstantiated assertions.

> This essay is a "just so" story, full of completely unsubstantiated assertions.

As a foreigner from a smaller nation, my experience is that the way to have "substantiated" assertions about your history is to have British or French scientists misunderstand it and write a paper in the Royal Society Journal or some similar nonsense.

The way to have "unsubstantiated" assertions is to ask grandma, who was there.

I'm more concerned about the source (the Internet), but if this were in a local paper, I'd trust assertions like the ones here much more than imperial scientists.

Back in the 19th century there was no birth control, and women were in a constant cycle of pregnancy and breastfeeding once married until they became infertile, also puberty started significantly later. To have a society of single family children, they had to figure out how to stop having children, which was figuring out how to have way less sex and thus a bunch of sexually frustrated people.

You mean, no chemical birth control. Different cultures employed various mechanisms of birth control - some of which the article describes.

Japan during much of the Tokugawa period (after 1700) is an example of that kind of self-stabilizing population. They used:

* Abortion

* On-birth infanticide (don't be quick to judge)

* Delayed marriage (which also means more years of celibacy before marriage I guess?)


and AFAICT this was not government-enforced or even strongly-government-encouraged.

> On-birth infanticide (don't be quick to judge)

Why the hell not? That’s not a particularly enlightened solution.

It's complicated. Two points:

* If you keep your baby, you are nearly-guaranteeing hunger of your family or your village in 10 years or so. And people in your community would hold a grudge against you and your child for it, from day one.

* The cultural norm regarding when life is sacred was different. Many people in the US believe in-womb abortion is not particularly enlightened either.

>Back in the 19th century there was no birth control, and women were in a constant cycle of pregnancy and breastfeeding

This is really not the case, in the western world fertility dropped steadily through the 19th century. People had some control over the reproductive process even without the pill/latex condoms. By the year 1900, TFR was already under 3 in France.

I wonder how much more prevalent anal sex was as a method of birth control then.

all those people without hands, but plenty of animals, had to let it out somewhere I guess.

Right, since we all have hands, that's why there's no market for fleshlights.

"Umm... abstinence causes people to have sex with animals?"

I will always remember a slightly tipsy conversation I had with a farmer in the back of a liquor store I worked in the 90's.

I thought I heard it all until that day.

Knew a soldier who'd deployed to Iraq. Had stories about the things seen on patrol through night vision goggles.

I don't care if they're fake, I still think it's rude to leave me hanging here.

The night-vision story involved a donkey. Supposedly chickens were popular too. Guess they do lay eggs of a significant diameter.

Also had other stories that were less lascivious. Some were about what families resort to in a society without mental health care. Relatives chained in the courtyard raving.

I can totally believe it. I have a webpage about a “wasp sucking machine”. I was amazed at how many google hits that got for “sucking machine”, back when you could see the queries. Top country for those searches was Saudi Arabia.

As far as I understand it’s a summary of an interview conducted and previously published in Slovak. I found it a quite plausible account of what was going on in poor, rural parts of Europe emerging from under hundreds of years of changing feudal governments at a time when the large empires broke down.

I was more confused by abstinence leading to coitus interruptus, which seems logically incoherent.

It sounds like they were still having sex, just not having enough babies to replace themselves, which could have been dealt with on its own in a very dry demographic way.

Bringing abortion, beastiality and sexual abstinence into it seems to muddy the waters for no clear benefit to the point that they were trying to make, which I think is, that if you have less than replacement rate babies, then your population will fall. But maybe that seemed a little too tautological without the extra details to distract the reader.

Also, the writers own story seems to suggest that these people (e.g. his great-grandmother) did have descendents (e.g. the author) it's just that they moved to the city, which I think was a big trend everywhere.

I’d have to agree with you on this.

Apart from anything else, that goes back to at least biblical times (otherwise why would there be a rule about it in the Bible?)

I suspect that, given the author is talking about overcrowding and lack of privacy, they had enough people living under one roof for at least one of them to just… prefer that. (e.g. p=0.02, 50 people, or whatever).

Interesting how destructive shame can be.

I think there is a parallel to how the whole west currently is shaming itself into oblivion for the many alleged unforgivable -isms.

This reminds me of San Francisco. Maybe because the general phenomenon here is local optimization at the cost of global optimization. NIMBY leads to city-wide failure.

Up until the pandemic, at least, San Francisco had not failed for the people who decided to run it the way they did. They got to live in a Disneyland for adults, never had to pay much property tax, and when they wanted to retire to Arizona they got $4 million on their way out.

You know, I've never actually seen someone squatting in line at Disneyland, pooping.

Sure, but where besides San Francisco and Disneyland is $13 a normal price for a sandwich?

(2017). Past thread here, from when the article was originally written: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=15830623

Lot of eugenics going on in that thread.

Though without the killing and forced sterilization people assume when they hear the term "eugenics".

It mostly appears as immigration restriction or excuses for why you're doing so much better at your intellectual job than those other people.

I was looking at the kind of off topic thread about how Mexicans shouldn't immigrate to Japan because they're genetically cursed to have unruly personalities…

Those comments link to two other articles that I found more interesting than OP’s article:



I've read both of them (actually, I've read the former before this was posted).

The problem with the second article is the belief that conservative patriarchy was and is still the only way to sustain/grow population levels. This can problematic in an anthropological angle (there are still debates among anthropologists over how some prominent ancient societies were more matriarchial than we've realized), but more importantly I find this belief limiting our imagination as to the various ways in how humanity can manage to have and nurture kids. Familial values aren't only compatible with patriarchy, it can also mesh well with matriarchy (The fertility of women becoming important can also lead to women having more power over men, vice-versa). And is family the only way we can have childcare? Maybe we might have a society where everyone collectively cares each other's kids? What would happen if we have artificial wombs, wouldn't it significantly lower the barrier to having offspring? Obviously the hyper-individualism induced in our current configuration of capitalism is a huge cause for the fertility crisis, but I don't think old rehashed conservative values are the only solution for this individualism.

Now the first article (written by Nick Land), is much more nuanced, and doesn't strictly limit itself to patriarchy being an 'ultimate' evolutionary destiny. It's trying to dissecting the historical dynamics of population inside cities and between other cities (as a global phenomenon), and plotting the future trajectory of political theory from there. It states a fundamental problem of modernity which I can maybe agree with (although I have other problems with the author in general, mainly him also frequently spouting out right-wing reactionary politics)

Feels like the second just tries to redefine "patriarchy" as having more kids and investment in them. Not sure the point of that.

thank you!

the analysis from that thread which resonates best with me is the one quoting Elizabeth Warren and "The two income trap"


housing prices, larger vehicle, or more vehicles, and other cost of living associated with more children are the private burden of the family. add to that the income loss of pregnancy and early motherhood and the cost of child care.

and it becomes easily obvious that a young family calculates twice before having another child.

and that's coming from a European country, where schooling is free.

is anybody aware of an opportunity cost calculation for raising 1, 2, 3, 4 kids? what is the TCO, the true full package material impact of raising children? ideally per country?

At least in the US, opportunity costs are likely dwarfed by actual costs in many cases, particularly as you move up the income scale. Despite heavy assortative mating you do usually end up with income disparity between spouses, so you give up less than half of the income for the time(s) that the mother cannot work; when the opportunity cost becomes great enough, then paid child-care starts looking like a win. Lower on the income bracket child-care is often subsidezed.

Then the richer you are, the more it is typical to spend on your kids. I live in an affluent area; my daughter just finished 6th grade and several of her friends are going to middle-schools with tuition in the low $30k range (yes, there is more than one in that price-range in town).

I would also argue that there is a cultural expectation you don't let your kids just wander about and take care of themselves as people used to do decades ago makes it harder as well. Now if you aren't concerned there is a pedophile around every corner, you're the crazy one. If you don't take an instagram photo of your child every week, you clearly don't care much for your kids.

There's also a wide range of costs for kids extracurriculars.

Programming could be nearly free (get a $200 computer of craigslist, add internet and electricity), soccer is relatively inexpensive.

IMO one of the major costs is because parents use their kids as conspicuous consumption symbols. "My kid does BJJ, equestrian, and snowboarding cause they're #blessed..." (cringe).

Personally, I'll be leveling with my kids, if they want something beyond the basics it's going to be up to them to find a way to pay for it. Soccer/basketball/swim lessons etc is in, super expensive clubs are out, and mom & dad's love for them is not a function of money spent.

I grew up with my parents behaving as you are suggesting. Anything extracurricular I wanted to do, beyond a token cost, was my responsibility to pay for. That ended up having some consequences you might not be thinking of, so I thought I’d share them with you.

1.) It made me way less likely to try any extracurricular because I knew I’d have to work to pay for them. This includes several that I was really interested in and showed aptitude for.

2. I had a job from age 12 on. I started with a paper route, then a dishwashing job, then a cashier at a mini mart. The result was that I was tired - the dishwashing and mini mart gigs kept me out until close to midnight several days per week. My grades, and my interest in school took a nosedive. My parents couldn’t figure out why. They thought it so impressive that I was so industrious to have these jobs. They loved the bootstrap narrative.

3. Working jobs in food service introduced me to all manner of drugs and alcohol. I was a regular smoker by 15, and binge drank with my coworkers from 16-19, and I smoked weed every chance I got.

I don’t really hold it against my parents consciously; they were older and really bought in to the bootstrap narrative. They genuinely thought I could work part time in the summer and pay for college, in the mid 2000s, just like my dad did in the 60s. But I do hold it against them subconsciously. I know there are things I really wanted to do back then that my family could hav afforded to pay for, and it’s a bitter pill to swallow knowing that they refused to out of misguided principles. I didn’t really realize that until I met my wife, who was told that it was her job to go to school and get good grades, not make money. Her parents didn’t spend lavishly on her, but if she could make a reasonable case for why she should have something they’d pay for it. When she told me that, it made my own parents way of dealing with these things really sting.

Anyway, thought that might be interesting to you as a parent.

Kids who only had a summer job in high school definitely had a leg up. More time to study and more sleep.

And point number 3 is dead on.

This goes back to the point that it is important to be able and willing to work hard but working smarter is a better overall strategy.

Those consequences are not a given. I too, had to work from 14 years old, and beyond the basic sports interests had to pay my own way (for example, guitar and guitar lessons).

I might agree a little with point 1, but I never felt penalizingly tired like you say in point 2, and I also never picked up smoking or boozing like you say in point 3.

Aside from that, having your kid work at least a little (even if they would only earn 20 bucks a week with a few hours on a Thursday evening) massively improves their respect for earning something, and actually managing money.

What extracurricular activities were this and how much did they cost to make you work until midnight and do drugs because of the stress?

Do you think your drug use (+booze and cigarettes) became a considerable part of the costs that made you work so much?

I come from a lower middle class family in a non-urban area and there were neither the jobs nor the activities (much less costly ones) nor any sort of pressure to do such activities. Yet I believe I was fine, I am doing now (25ys later) several such activities

I don't have an Instagram account.

Year added above. Thanks!

Reminds me of The Daily episode a few days ago about what's happening in Japan. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/05/05/podcasts/the-daily/japan-...

Reminds me of an interview with Hans Rosling. He mentioned that he had spent a dinner with a group of Japanese ministers.

They asked him "pray mister Rosling, how do we increase the number of babies per woman?"

To which Rosling replied, in typical Nordic candor, "perhaps organise your society so that women do not feel like their life is over once they have kids?"

People are way too uncomfortable with other people spending their time "idling."

Looking at the history of contributions to science, software, and engineering by amateurs we probably lose out on a lot of productivity because of this.

Ectogenesis seem to be the only potential solution, the fertility rate will not go back above 2 in the coming decades in these developed countries.

Post WWII their birth rate has plummeted.[0] This coincides with the victor's rewriting of Japan's Constitution, including women's rights that are a radical deviation from their cultural norms.[1][2]

[0] https://www.pop.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/birth-rate.pn... [1] https://www.smh.com.au/national/feminist-secretly-wrote-part... [2] https://www.jewishbookcouncil.org/book/no-steps-behind-beate...

I'd be curious to learn more about the economic landscape at the time: were there other external factors that led to this culture being adopted?

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