We have a Little Free Library (https://www.instagram.com/paintedladieslibrary/) that we painted/decorated to look like our house using a laser cutter and a lot of wood glue to mimic the decorative woodwork. Recently I installed a door sensor connected to a Raspberry Pi to collect analytics on how often people open it and how long they browse for. In the past week, it has been opened around 200 times with an average browse time of just over a minute.
I am also "this person", and while it feels awkward to ask, I think it's important to provide at least some social pressure against the adtech megaplatforms. (Similarly, I feel that it is completely acceptable to ask for a .txt, pastebin, or archive link whenever someone posts a medium.com link.)
Ha, yes — I haven't been at Facebook since well before they acquired Instagram, but you're right to note a certain amount of irony in the situation! Of course, I don't mind the comment, and happy to post another way to see what we did with the project!
It shows some of the design elements, too, so maybe folks would be interested in that. I haven't written up anything about the door sensor part, but that was pretty basic, and mostly an excuse to learn about using the Raspberry Pi.
not that its hard but just a reminder that its easier than ever to set up a static html page for this sort of thing on github pages or just stick images in a repos readme, and surprisingly easy to update it automatically from a folder (or webscraped iCloud photo album set to "public") with a tiny script that also automates IG posts if you want to support people both on and off socmedia - speaking of which anyone have opinions on instapy?