10k out of 2M isn't a good metric, because there will be a long tail of niche, unpopular clone (AKA a student's first to do list app), shovelware or spyware apps that most people will never encounter. If the list of apps is sorted by users, I'm sure the top 50 will have a massive reach.
ESPN, Hulu and Cruncyroll issue thepop up. Consider the reach of those 3 apps alone compared to the bottom 500k.
Yes, 10K isn’t a lot, and the big apps are included in the 10K.
But… companies like Google Need as many apps as possible to funnel data to them so they can profile _everyone_, and they do that with their “free” services like Firebase (aka Google Analytics), in addition to ads.
To Firebase it’s all about scale (aka visibility) and not specific groups.
ESPN, Hulu and Cruncyroll issue thepop up. Consider the reach of those 3 apps alone compared to the bottom 500k.