I got it straight away, but I have a telecoms engineering and networking background. This just goes to show how poorly networking is taught in most courses (as are databases), and specially in boot camps. Self-taught programmers are also very unlikely to be exposed to this kind of topic.
One thing that was not offered as an option was to use a packet analyzer like tcpdump or Wireshark, even though that is the most reliable and systematic way to get to the bottom of many performance problems. You'd think the popularity of the network tab in Chrome's dev tools would make this less scary.
I was afraid of using tcpdump until I learned that the ip and tcp packet has a very specific structure. I had to use tcpdump+wireshark for debugging recently and it felt like having a mini-superpower.
One thing that was not offered as an option was to use a packet analyzer like tcpdump or Wireshark, even though that is the most reliable and systematic way to get to the bottom of many performance problems. You'd think the popularity of the network tab in Chrome's dev tools would make this less scary.