Ah yeah that's a good idea. Assuming there's no reasonable way to do an iframe breakout, that is.
I suspect any way I attempted to put this together, ner-do-wells would upload a game that adds upvote/like/subscribe/logout to every event handler. Now that I think about it, I can't remember any reason why I wouldn't be able to do that from inside actionscript.. I ran javascript from inside flash all the time..
The fact those flash sites didn't just unravel from shenanigans is pretty astounding in retrospect.
I suspect any way I attempted to put this together, ner-do-wells would upload a game that adds upvote/like/subscribe/logout to every event handler. Now that I think about it, I can't remember any reason why I wouldn't be able to do that from inside actionscript.. I ran javascript from inside flash all the time..
The fact those flash sites didn't just unravel from shenanigans is pretty astounding in retrospect.