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That counter may well not exist outside of billing for longer than it takes to batch some records together. It will need to be shared and synchronized with the rest of the fleet, the other fleets in the availability zone, the other zones in the region, the other regions, and every other service in AWS. There are strict rules about crossing these boundaries for sake of failure isolation.

As an amusing extra sticking point, your service has no idea how much it actually costs, because that's calculated by billing- the rates may vary from request to request or from customer to customer.

Without spending way too long thinking about it, the complexity in figuring out exactly when to stop is significant enough that it probably cannot practically be done in the critical path of these kinds of high-volume systems, hence the reactive approach being more plausible to me.

I don't know what kinds of problems AT&T has, but at the risk of saying dumb things about an industry I know next to nothing about, your phone is only attached to one tower at a time, and that probably helps a bit. And I'm not sure when it wouldn't be simpler and just as good for them to also react after the fact, anyway.

First arguing based on existing infrastructure ignores the fact your changing the system therefore any new system is a viable option. All the existing system changes is how much things cost. Anyway, for independent distributed systems you can use probability rather than fixed numbers.

That said, your losing the forest for the trees, the accuracy isn’t that important. You can still bill for actual usage. A 15 minute granularity is vastly better than a 30 day one. As long as you can kill processes you don’t need to check in the middle of every action. Things being asynchronous is just the cost of business at scale.

I'm hardly saying it's impossible; I'm saying that it's not easy, and may even be hard. Doing it well would likely require a wide-reaching effort the likes of which would eventually reach my ears, and the fact that I haven't heard of such a thing implies to me that it's probably not an AWS priority.

Why that would be, I leave to you.

>your phone is only attached to one tower at a time

Not when you're being simswapped

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