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Almost everything on /r/relationships can be boiled down to poor communication on the part of one or more parties. Seriously. If everyone were taught proper communication and confrontation skills, there would be a lot more happy people on this earth.

Dead bedrooms: instead of making a spreadsheet of your wife's excuses and passive aggressively emailing it to her, talk to her without anger or blame, explain how you feel, get a sense for how she feels, and make a plan to address the issue.

Incels similarly have terrible communication skills and most probably wouldn't be incels today if they learned how to communicate. Their worldview is a way to cope with their issue without admitting they have an issue; by blaming another group (women) for the issue.

It has nothing to do with communication. People either desire you or they don't. You can't negotiate desire. I don't understand why anyone would want to be with someone who needs to be convinced and pressured to have sex.

Spreadsheet guy eventually realized this. He saw the pattern for what it was and decided to end it. Yes, he could've handled it a lot better but I still respect him for exiting. He understood what he wanted, realized he was not getting it and decided to get out.

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