This is fantastic! About 5 years ago (just before this repo was made it seems) I was doing a ton of stuff with EEG analysis with python. Used CWTs a ton but it was slooow, even with lots of numpy tricks. This would have been super handy.
I also learned in that time that while you can extract a complex signal from a real one using the Hilbert transform, it's not quite the same, and I've always wondered if we could achieve better fidelity/encoding/compression by starting with quadrature signals. Never figured out quite why, since Shannon-Nyquist says you should be able to encode all information of a bandwidth f signal with 2f sample rate, but I suspect it has to do with the difference between ideal real number math and nonlinear, quantizing, imperfect ADCs.
Not sure how you'd actually get quadrature signals from sound waves or any wideband scalar signal (maybe record at far higher sampling rate to get more phase information, then downsample), but it's a fun thought experiment.
You can convert to quadrature by either sampling a signal at >= 2 * Nyquist and using the Hilbert transform, or using two ADCs 90 degrees out of phase.
When you run two ADCs 90 degrees out of phase that introduces another source of error, due to timing jitter. There's no reason to bother doing this for audio signals because modern ADCs are more than capable of accurately sampling at audio rates.
I have some implementations here: