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> How is the REPL experience if there is one?

About on par with C/C++ and Go. In that you don't have one and don't want for one. REPL driven development is difficult with languages like Rust, both to implement and use.

I think there are some projects floating around out there, but I personally don't see a purpose for one. It's not python or matlab.

> I think there are some projects floating around out there, but I personally don't see a purpose for one. It's not python or matlab

I was thinking of a REPL in the sense of common Clojure usage (https://vvvvalvalval.github.io/posts/what-makes-a-good-repl....) not the basic "write lines into a separate program and then copy-paste it into your source code" that Python offers.

The latest TWIR development summary mentions evcxr, a notebook-based environment for Rust that's currently being worked on, link https://blog.abor.dev/p/evcxr

Notebooks work better than raw REPL's for a language that's so heavily based on static typing, but they're idiomatically quite similar.

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