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“Let's settle this in a Ruby programming contest” (jeffkreeftmeijer.com)
105 points by jkreeftmeijer on June 27, 2011 | hide | past | favorite | 17 comments

Wait, so the current challenge is to mosaic a 225px-wide image into 10px chunks, without changing the overall size?

Not even the power of Ruby can make 225 % 10 == 0

No, but you can still use 10x10 chunks where possible and use chunks as close to 10x10 as possible for the rest.

Sure, but that wasn't the specced challenge. If you can bend the rules, what becomes of the game? [edit: moved reply to nest]

Fun idea, I will definitely try it out!

By the way:

  if ( ready? && set? ) { fight! };
ain't valid ruby code :).

How about:

   if ready? && set? then fight!

I know the code snippet doesn't actually work, but I used it because it looks pretty cool. `if ready? && set? then fight!` is the first Ruby snippet one that I really like. :)

This is very cool. It seems like a well thought out process too. Any plans on doing languages other than Ruby?

I'd be down for a perl regex fight. The great part about that is the participants would look like they were typing obscenities at each other.

Cool, but man, could that website possibly take up less of my horizontal screen space?

The huge super-dotty background actually makes my monitor sound different when I have his page open. I can literally hear the scanlines firing. And this is a laptop LCD. I've never heard this sound before.

This is a real problem reading the submitted entries -- each snippet has a horizontal scrollbar and needs it even for ordinarily-formatted code.

Really cool idea, it would be even more awesome if you can extend it to other languages, like python etc.

Yeah, something like that but for python would be great, like http://www.pythonchallenge.com/

Someone please make this!

Is this supposed to be a successor of the ruby quiz series?

"TopCoder for real world problems"! Great idea. Hope a lot of open source stuff comes out of this or at the very least helps current projects.

You want to see the real world of Ruby programming? The one they don't show you in magazines or the E Channel?

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