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Under military threat? Yet no specifics on that.

CCP does baiting with predatory loans to lock countries in with easy money up front.

You sound like you’re biased

Has the US not invaded, coup-ed and threatened numerous countries? Is it not now occupying several? Does it not have bases encircling all countries opposed to its imperialism? I thought this was common knowledge.

The IMF, World Bank and European Central Bank do indeed offer predatory loans with strict conditions (like privatisation, deregulation, austerity) and at usury rates. Countries have a choice between this and being blockaded through military power, like Iran, Syria, Libya, DPRK, etc.

How is encouraging democracy directly equal to imperialism?

The US doesn’t want autocrats who can subvert us geopolitically and kill their own people.

Fact is that countries in our sphere are democratic and prosperous.

That is the official narrative, the western democracies versus us autocratic barbarians everywhere else. Even if such an absurdity were somehow true, surely at least sovereignty should count for something.

In reality, countries in your “sphere” are either allied exploiters or exploited (and not at all prosperous). Anyone that threatens profits is painted as evil, regardless of the truth. After so many sanctions, coups and wars based on what later turned out to be blatant lies, surely you could reserve some scepticism.

Rofl. It’s factual that many countries the US is at odds with are autocratic. North Korea (obvious), China (the people do not vote), Iran (the ayatollah controls everything)…

All countries in the US-sphere, they have direct voting by the people to elect the government.

So you’re completely wrong on that.

Next point. So western Europe, Eastern Europe, balkans, Japan, South Korea, Colombia, Mexico, Philippines, Canada, Australia/NZ… they are all exploited or exploiters?

What a joke. I just destroyed your two arguments.

I see you’re determined to just repeat imperialist propaganda. And yet it clearly keeps you uninformed, since both the DPRK and China do in fact have elections that the vast majority of citizens vote in. Their democratic systems are different from the liberal ones, but not missing.

It is certainly true that we Eastern Europeans are exploited by Western Europe and the US. We were forced to privatise healthcare, housing, trains, etc., deregulate labour protections, implement austerity measures, all to be allowed to trade with the rest of the world. And our labour is clearly exploited, since most jobs are with foreign companies that pay a pittance and extract value from our countries.

"...since both the DPRK and China do in fact have elections that the vast majority of citizens vote in"

Pretty much just lol to that one. So you're telling me the NK people elected Kim? And Chinese elected Xi? Lol.

Exploited? A country like Poland is doing many times better than it did 30 years ago. IT sector, agriculture, tourism, etc. Every Eastern European country is on the up. Ukraine as well. Because the cost of living is cheaper, the cost of labor is cheaper is as well.

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