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Or they just ask, which is essentially how prism already worked for user data.

Didn't some PRISM documents show that Google's internal use of TLS 1.2 was blocking a more widespread collection of data?

I'll see if I can find the slide that articulated the issue.

That was part of it.

The other part was "Do what we tell you, or you'll be Joe Nacchioed"

In a 2013 interview, Marissa Meyer made it abundantly clear this is why Yahoo "voluntarily" joined PRISM. One can assume the rest were similarly influenced.

Thank you.

PRISM is their database for storing subpoena responses. You don't "join" it.

Yeah, I highly doubt there's any targeting there. The big tech Co.s are practically fronts for the US Gov.

> Yeah, I highly doubt there's any targeting there. The big tech Co.s are practically fronts for the US Gov.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/War_Is_a_Racket (1935).

History doesn't repeat but it does rhyme.

It seems to be the natural state that centres of power co-operate with each other lest they lose their power.

Churches with Kings, Corporations with Government.

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