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I've come to a conclusion that, from the evolutionary standpoint, lying (and stealing) is one of the most important forms of the intelligent behavior. We see it in the animal world, so this unavoidably should be seen as such in the world of humans...

Humans have the option of trying to be ethical as well and a lot of people would question if the CIA always behaves ethically.

Surely no-one believes the CIA always behaves ethically. Especially after the post-9/11 kidnap, torture and murder rampage. Perhaps you meant a lot of people question if the CIA ever behaves ethically.

I’m sure the people that work there think they are a thin line against the harm others would like to do to America. “The ends justify the means”.

I would hope they're smarter than that, but apparently not many are.

Trying to take the optimal route in prisoners dilemma would make smart animals stop this behaviour

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