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Ask HN: AI image generation, is it ready to be helpful?
1 point by nkg on April 28, 2021 | hide | past | favorite
There is a problem we face regularly in digital marketing: car dealers/brands do not provide qualitative assets while we always need more image formats to match the variety of devices we create content for. What happens is that we asks a graphic designer to hack some kind of composition using stock images and the car views provided by the brand. It is time consuming, and the result is often... meh (examples below). I think there might be a place for AI generated images here. Do you think we have reach that point where AI can do better ?

A few examples:


image A


image B (they added the man, but he is way too small compared to the car)



(perspective and shading are meh )



(this one is actually nice)


(not that one)


edit: line breaks

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