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In essence that is arguing that an abusive monopoly (facebook) must be fought with another abusive monopoly (apple).

Yeah, I suppose that is what I am arguing. Apple is absolutely an abusive monopoly, but tackling them alone without simultaneously handling Facebook and co would result in a net loss for the average consumer.

Absent government regulation? Yes, exactly. If Mecha-Godzilla shows up I'm very, very happy to have Godzilla around to fuck them up, even if Godzilla is a dangerous monster and it would be better to have no monsters.

And screw the vulnerable people your Gozilla murders under it's feet eh?

Since don’t-have-monsters isn’t an option—yes? Especially since most of the ones being “murdered” by Apple aren’t the vulnerable, in any kind of relevant sense, but software developers and publishes. People who just use the devices knew what they were getting and paid extra for it.

> that is arguing that an abusive monopoly (facebook) must be fought with another abusive monopoly (apple)

Plus the entire den of pests that is adtech and its various tracking companies, most of whom are far from monopolies.

It's not abusive if it benefits its users.

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